An Unusual Help; Mysteries of the Wild series!


Edited Image source

Predators and Preys makes wildlife, one can't exist without another. It's a fundamental natures rule, but what is not stipulated is the ability of prey helping predators or predators helping preys. That still remain one of the biggest mystery out there in that wild.

From the photo, the Momma Elephant is gently holding a Lion cub having heatstroke and taking it to a cooler spot, the Lioness is a first timer mother, and nothing hurts seeing your baby in pain, even in humans. Strangely, a sight you won't see often is a Lion and an Elephant walking side by side with each other, the Lioness entrusted her cub to this much more experienced behemoth which delicately carried the cub in her tusk to a water hole.

Wildlife experts said in various videos that this never happened or caught on camera, the only time you see a prey and predator like this is either in a chase or one is lying down dead and been devoured. Strangely this was captured and it was a spectacular image that melted people's heart all over the world. Mother nature is the most unpredictable element, science will continue to marvel at the many mysterious happenings all over our planet!


Living in Africa I have never heard of such an incident, then remembered this incident was reported back as very well done "photoshop" work as a hoax in 2018.

Fact check 1
Fact check 2

Yes keeping our hopes and dreams alive, being positive is great, in reality they would not tolerate each other.

No upvote, No downvote, just keeping to facts @oluwoleolaide have a wonderful day in nature.
