Asian Common Toad or Kunobang || Now is the time to break the hibernation and get out.



We are quite familiar with the word frog. Different types of frogs can be seen around us or in the corners of the house. This cold-blooded animal goes into hibernation in winter. With the onset of summer heat, it can be seen moving from the base to the yard or inside the house.



It is a very lazy species. That means winter spends time in complete laziness. They mainly store food for winter in summer and hide in the corner of the house or something in that food and go to hibernation in a lazy way. During the day it hides in a dark and damp environment. In the dark of night they go out in search of food and catch live insects, snails and even earthworms.

Now is the right time to break the hibernation



In our country now is the last stage of spring. Bengali New Year will start in a few days and summer will start. Although it is spring now, it feels very hot during the day. Feeling light cold at the end of the night. This is the time when the Kunobang or Assian common tods come out of hibernation. With the end of winter, that is, the beginning of summer, it goes out again in search of food. And now is the right time. That is why such frogs are seen in the yard at night. This animal can be seen jumping around in the yard or inside the house.



Basically they come out as the temperature of the environment rises. And now the temperature of the environment has risen. And the fat stored in the frog's body has come to an end. So now is the perfect time to go out at night in search of new food. Basically, they go out at night in search of food in Setsete environment. They feed on the smallest insects of all kinds. Especially small mosquitoes, flies or such insects live by eating.

How important is it to the environment?


We all know that every element of nature plays an important role in maintaining the balance of our environment. This is no exception. It also plays an important role in maintaining the balance of our environment. There are countless tiny creatures around us that harm us in various ways. Such as mosquitoes. Mosquitoes cause a variety of diseases, including filariasis or malaria. Frogs eat those mosquitoes and protect us from them. Moreover, frogs can give an early warning of an earthquake.

Last Words

Many now kill this animal. Which is not desirable at all. But its importance for maintaining the balance of our world is also immense. So we should get out of the heinous act of killing frogs.

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I am Md. Kawsar Hasan. I am Bangladeshi and proud to introduce myself as a Bangladeshi because I love my country so much. Because this is my motherland. I am engaged in the teaching profession. When I can teach my students something new, I have a different feeling. I also like to learn and do something new every day, I like to mingle with new people and like to learn something new. I always think of myself as a student of nature. Because we have a lot to learn from nature. I just try small to learn. I love to travel. A lot can be learned from nature through travel. Love to learn and write. I have been trying to write since I was a child and that is why I often fall behind in writing. I try to respect people. I think if you respect someone, your self-esteem does not decrease but increases.

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