[ESP/ENG] El Gusano de la Patata //The Potato Worm



Hola apreciados amigos y seguidores de hive, agradecida con Dios por estar una vez mas, dandoles una nueva entrega de mi contenido.


Hello dear friends and followers of hive, thankful to God for being once again, giving you a new installment of my content.


Hoy le quiero comentar que cuando estaba haciendo el almuerzo y estaba pelando una papas, encontre este gusano dentro de ella, esta larva es considerada como plagas por que se encargar de acabar los cultivos de papas .

Today I want to tell you that when I was making lunch and I was peeling a potato, I found this worm inside it, this larva is considered pests because it is responsible for finishing the potato crops.


En los sitios donde son cultivadas estas papas, los agricultores tienen que usar insecticidas para que no dañen la cosecha, pero sin embargo cuando, ya ellos perforan la papa, depositan su excremento dentro de ella lo cual ocasiona dañarla por completo, lo que mas me llamo mucho la atencion es la rapidez que tiene para desplazarse.

In the places where these potatoes are cultivated, the farmers have to use insepticides so that they do not damage the harvest, but nevertheless when they already pierce the potato, they deposit their excrement inside it which causes it to be completely damaged, which more It is very striking is the speed you have to move.


Estos gusanos dejan tuneles dentro de la papa y se alimenta de ella y de las hojas de la planta papa o de algun otra maleza que consigan en su habitat.

These worms tunnel inside the potato and feed on it and the leaves of the potato plant or any other weed that they find in their habitat.


Este ah sido mi publicacion de Hoy, gracias por comentar y apoyar, hasta la proxima entrega que Dios los bendiga.

Las Fotos fuero tomadas con mi telefono ZTEZ971

This has been my publication today, thank you for commenting and supporting, until the next installment, God bless you.

The Photos were taken with my ZTEZ971 phone


We appreciate your work and your post has been manually curated by zoology team (oscurity,nelinoeva) on behalf of Amazing Nature Community. Keep up the good work!

the question is? will the worm always be a worm? is it a larval stage of some insect? are we talking about Premnotrypes vorax? It would be very interesting to talk about the species and create a bit of scientific documentation, I think that if it is the species that mentions its adult state it is a coleoptera (you have been selected) for the DNA vote!


Hello @gabyjc!

to learn a little about the potato worm
We appreciate your work and your post was manually curated by @none! from the DNA team!

Reach us on Discord to learn more about the project!
