Amazing Nature Contest - October 2020 - #02. Maracuyá/Passiflor

This is my entry to participate in the #AmazingNature contest, an excellent challenge for nature lovers and those who have started through the challenge of curiosity and respect for nature.

Flor Maracuyá (Mburucuyá) o Flor de la Pasión.

Behind every flower, there is a reason for its beauty

Detrás de cada flor, hay una razón de su belleza.

The passion fruit flower immediately caught my attention. This hermaphrodite climber has an exotic architecture with a mixture of just colors that a surrealist painter would grant.
La flor Maracuyá atrapó de inmediato mi atención. Está trepadora hermafrodita posee una arquitectura exótica con mezcla de colores justas que un pintor surrealista otorgaría.
With large petals, long sepals and thin fragmented filaments that form a crown of colors to combine with the background creating an optical effect between blue, white and purple.
Con grandes pétalos, sépalos largos y delgados filamentos fragmentados que forman una corona de colores para combinar con el fondo creando un efecto óptico entre azul, blanco y purpura.

From the center of the Maracuya a volcano full of colors is observed, there the long pistil rises where a bulge is located that is the ovary and the extremities are the stamens are the carpets covered with pollen and three purple stigmas. Below is one of them opening.
Del centro de la Maracuya se observa un volcán repleto de colores, ahí se levanta el pistilo largo donde se ubica un bulto que es el ovario y las extremidades están los estambres son las alfombras cubierta de polen y tres estigmas púrpuras. Abajo se observa una de ella abriendo.
The flower has a system to trap some insects, apparently it serves as defense mechanisms to scare off other insects. And how does it reproduce? The responsible insect is the bumblebee and, on the contrary, the bee interferes by taking the pollen to its hive.
La flor tiene un sistema para atrapar algunos insectos al parecer sirve de mecanismos de defensa para ahuyentar a otros insectos. Y cómo se reproduce? El insecto responsable es el abejorro y por el contrario la abeja interfiere llevándose el polen para su colmena.
Nicknamed Flower of the Passion because they compare its design with the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, a crown and three nails. Another legend is given to the courage of a priest who saved the life of a Guaraní girl; Likewise, a forbidden love ended the lives of two beings who loved each other and when they took their lives with an arrow in their hearts, a flower emerged.
Apodada Flor de la Pasión debido a que comparan su diseño con la crucifixión de Jesús Cristo, una corona y tres clavos. Otra leyenda se le otorga a la valentía de un sacerdote que le salvó la vida a una niña guaraní; asimismo un amor prohibido termino con la vida de dos ser que se amaban y al quitarse la vida con una flecha en el corazón una flor emergió.
It is a flower that puzzles me by its fictional finish as created for a science fiction movie. Interesting to be close and get lost in the exaggerated design of nature, everything has its reason and of course there is a variety of color.
Es una flor que me deja perpleja por su acabo ficticio como creado para una película de ciencia ficción. Interesante estar cerca y perderse en el diseño exagerado de la naturaleza, todo tiene su razón y por supuesto variedad de color hay.

Thanks for the visit and comment. Until next time.

Participate in the contest that pays tribute to nature #AmazingNature, visit the following link

Photos taken with my Noblex 551 phone

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This one looks so beautiful with all the different colors included ^^ The shape is amazing too .. amazing find ;)


I really support this one, Chief!


You're right, it's a find, I was unaware of this flower and thanks to this project I have been inspired to observe and appreciate nature with greater respect.


😍 First of all, these are flowers of astonishing beauty. Secondly, it is all shot from the angles and lighting which makes the flowers even more charming and enchanting. And third, and this is very extraordinary, is your literary scientific description. It's so amazing and I really like this style of publishing, breaking the rigidity of scientific narratives so that the information looks soulful, alive and creates fantastic images. I hope, I am the first one, to congratulate you on this wonderful publication. Thank you so much for sharing this flawless beauty.🙏


Thank you for appreciating my effort to capture the essence of the flower, I must keep practicing so that the images demonstrate what they are.
On the other hand, I write with the purpose of reaching those who are not scientists, but love nature and those who are have a pleasant walk and then make the suggestions of the content.
It does not matter who is the first to give congratulations, but rather words of encouragement and reflection for a colleague in this network; your comment is important to me.
