Malaysia - hit by covid19 second wave


Just when everything seems to be under control after a long period of movement control. Malaysia is once again hit by another wave of covid19 pandemic.

Thanks to politicians who like crazy for power, manipulated the democratic system as if it's own grandfather family rule. The fight for power in Sabah state has successfully ignite the spread of second wave of covid19 elsewhere in the country.

Today mark the historic day for Malaysia to have the highest number of people get infected by the covid19 throughout the pandemic season.

Source: Sinchew

We have politicians who don't even have common sense or sense of responsibility to visit here and there after returning from the hotspot , thinking they won't be so "lucky" to get infected.

And for Malaysian stayings at the capital or central part of peninsula Malaysia, the nightmare of water rationing looks like a never ending story. Just last month, having the reservoir contamination issue, now again hit by another water contamination.

Not only suffer from spreading pandemic , also suffer from not having enough water supply!

Source: Astro AEC

This water rationing is going to haunt us again and again , until strict rule deployed to punish those people dare to dump poisonous materials into the river !
