False freedom

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A false freedom πŸ—½ shows us a set of elements of which we can own if we wanted to and without reproach along the way, but what is not really explained to us is that we end up being slaves of a system that we were supposed to own and have total freedom from.

What or who do we depend on?

I firmly believe that we depend on a world system that offers us a hand to help us in a way that they show interest in wanting to make us free, but the reality is that when they gain our trust they offer us possible solutions of freedom at all levels, but when we are submerged in that sea of freedom, what really happens is that we realize that we are being slaves of a masked system.

Perhaps we will have full freedom when we feel that we can live fully from nature πŸžοΈπŸŒ„ exploiting its natural resources in a sustainable way, where we will simply feel that our life is important because we begin to be empowered to have a full and sovereign freedom of our collective consciousness.


A very beautiful and broad discussion... today I believe that the only freedom that truly exists is financial freedom, outside of that we are all slaves
