Nextcolony shutdown Jensen update



Jensen YouTube update

After my last post about the beginning of the shutdown of the video's of a channel what discusses government decisions and other topics, lately he shares another vision about the corona virus and wants to get out of the shut down. Why go over to his website

A YouTube video got shutdown because of a topic widely discussed where he shared his vision. That video got reinstated again, Jensen is going to continue to share his vision on YouTube but also on other streaming sites. He states he is working on his own website where he will stream his videos and updates from other sources.

Nextcolony shutdown


As I wanted to play Next colony it was shutdown and thought why didn't I hear or see that I had 9000 dust sitting there that is gone now where is that? If I would pull that project what would I need to do it good. The splinterlands way but then also with a real app. Splinterlands states they are running on a mirrorchain. The problem is merging to hive the reinstatement of the dustcoin on hive accepting other payments.

The begin question will be as I asked on a @Splinterlands post what hardware do you need to get a game running. You must make a budget of a minimum of 2 years only for that. Make a plan what and how to do everything and then reinstate the game.

This would be a the rest if your life kind of dedication. Maybe @blockbrothers sees a possibility in this hole situation. One thing I just want to continue this game.

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Jensen vergeet enkele dingen in deze video te benoemen.
Bijvoorbeeld dat je na een grip weer volledig herstelt. Nadat je corona hebt gehad herstellen de aangegrepen organen niet weer volledig (lung, hart of waar het virus is beland).
Maar wel leuk om een keer naar te kijken. Even een ander invalshoek.

M.b.t. Nextcolony: ik heb weken geleden al alles er uit gehaald wat mogelijk was want ze hebben al lang aangekondigt niet meer door te gaan.
Te weinig profit voor te veel werk.
Ze waren op zoek naar het snelle geld.

