What was the mask for me ??? / De que me sirvió el tapabocas ???

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Hello friends of Ladies of Hive and the whole hive. In this 3rd week of the community I want to show you my mask, one that I made with a recyclable soda bottle and the other that I use very often.

I tell you that I do not feel well wearing the mask since the whole outside of my lips sweats and my nose itches and I also feel like I'm choking on this type of element.

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Since the mandatory use of the mask began, infinities of these elements have been created with different shapes, fabrics and colors, without taking into account that many of us are allergic to a certain type of fabric.

The other thing that bothers me is the elastic, I would have to put it behind my hair, but I prefer to put it behind my ears since that tight thing would give me a headache.

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Anyway the contagion was inevitable, so I can say that it does not help much. The best thing is to be isolated in your house without receiving visitors, but this is a bit difficult since there are people who do not believe in the virus and will come to your house even if you do not want it.

I have not seen my friend @ambarvegas in the contest, where will this girl be? Can you make an entrance?

Traducción al Español.

Hola amigos de Ladies of Hive y de toda la colmena. En esta 3ra semana de la comunidad quiero mostrarles mi mascara, una que hice con una botella de refresco reciclable y la otra que uso muy seguido.

Les cuento que no me siento bien usando el tapabocas ya que me suda toda la parte externa de los labios y me da comezón en la nariz y también siento que me ahogo con este tipo de elemento.

Desde que comenzó el uso obligatorio del tapabocas se han creado infinidades de estos elementos con distintas formas, telas y colores, sin tomar en cuenta que muchos somos alérgicos a cierto tipo de tela.

La otra cosa que me molesta es la elástica, tendría que ponérmela por detrás de mi pelo, pero prefiero ponérmela detrás de las orejas ya que me daría dolor de cabeza esa cosa apretada.

De todos modos el contagio fue inevitable, así que puedo decir que eso no sirve de mucho. Lo mejor es estar aislado en tu casa sin recibir visitas, pero esto es un poco difícil ya que hay personas que no creen en el virus y llegaran a tu casa así no lo quieras.

No he visto por el concurso a mi amiga @ambarvegas, donde estará esta chica. Puedes hacer una entrada ?


Yeah, the best thing is to be isolated in your house without receiving visitors!


You are absolutely right there @isabelpena, they are all very hard to wear- especially if you are allergic to certain materials, the colour dyes and clothes detergents- or just as simply sweat a lot.

I have been wearing one for 7months now- but mostly through winter and even then, though it was cold, it was hard enough because of the condensation that occurred from my hot breath to the cold air and my nose was always running- not from any illness, just the condensation and when I had to wipe my nose, the amount of people that would back away thinking that I had the virus.....

And now it's coming into summer here (and we get really HOT summers), I can see that far more people are going to be having issues with heat exhaustion- sweaty face, wet, sweaty masks, breathing back in our own carbon monoxide and not enough oxygen.....

And then I think, wow, the medical staff have been wearing masks for decades now.

How do they do it. I know I couldn't, so my hats off to them for having to do something all day every day that I find almost unbearable.

Great photos too and I do love the plastic mask cause you can see how much of a beautiful woman that you are without makeup!

Take care, be safe and be strong- especially with those people that don't believe the virus is real and want to come to visit.

Don't let them put your health and life at risk, after all, if you get sick, they have nothing to lose- but you do.


That is a good analysis about the masks in the doctors, they should use them whether they like it or not, for their health. Here in Colombia they have already put the magnifying glass on those implements, expensive and made of any material. Hopefully that improves and improves the awareness of people who do not take care of themselves and are out there contaminating. The rebound returns to the top worldwide, how quickly we forget things.


Yes, you're so right.

We are just coming out of second wave now- tomorrow most of the lockdown ends and our second wave only had hundreds ill, not thousands like most countries in the world...

But it makes me wonder just how long it will last for until we get a third wave- hopefully not.

Either way, I'm certainly not rushing out to be apart of the crowds anywhere....
