News about our fundraiser for Uganda! - Neuigkeiten unserer Spendenaktion für Uganda! (87)



Today the time had come: our last grocery delivery .... more than 6 months, approx. 8000, - € donation money, a few hundred families were taken care of, med. help was provided, a lot of work, lots of photos, lots of fun!
Of course, we couldn't have managed all of this without our helpers on site.
We would particularly like to thank Bosco, who has been working with us all year round and will continue to take care of the supply of the solar systems in the future.
Mackie, our girl power in Uganda, who always works fast as lightning, and Hillary, who had his own system of distribution and who surprised us again and again with his pictures of the village community.
Many thanks to everyone else who helped at times!
And of course many thanks to you out there, who have donated and helped many people over the difficult time!


Heute war es also soweit: unsere letzte Lebensmittellieferung....mehr als 6 Monate , ca, 8000,-€ Spendengelder, ein paar Hundert Familien wurden versorgt, med. Hilfe wurde geleistet,viel Arbeit,viele Fotos, viel Freude!
Das alles hätten wir natürlich nicht ohne unsere Helfer vor Ort zustande bringen können.
Ganz besonders möchten wir Bosco danken, der das ganze Jahr schon mit uns arbeitet und sich auch in Zukunft weiter um die Belieferung der Solar-Anlagen kümmern wird.
Mackie, unsere Frauenpower in Uganda, die immer schnell wie der Blitz arbeitet und Hillary, der sein eigenes System der Verteilung hatte und uns immer wieder überrascht hat mit seinen Bildern der Dorfgemeinschaft.
Auch allen anderen, die zeitweise geholfen haben, herzlichen Dank!
Und natürlich Herzlichen Dank an euch da draussen, die ihr gespendet habt und vielen Menschen dort über die schwere Zeit geholfen habt!





From now on we are collecting again for our original project,
the supply of light (solar systems) for the poor farmers.

Ab sofort sammeln wir wieder für unser ursprüngliches Projekt,
der Versorgung mit Licht (Solar-Anlagen) für die armen Farmer.

Our story / Unsere Geschichte:

Our donation account:
Unser Spendenkonto:


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How is the Covid pandemic there


That is a good question! They had an early hard lock-down which took long time.
It all started in April and almost every day I got messages from our friends and acquaintances there like "We are all going to starve". The market on the lake was no longer allowed to take place, the food became more expensive, in some cases it cost twice as much.
In the city, the police beat in the first few days because people should stay at home. Only now is everything slowly returning to normal, the market takes place, the churches are open and from 15.10. open the remaining schools and hotels again.
As far as the numbers are concerned, I don't think you can give any reasonable information. There is little testing and people die of "little things" anyway. Many of them do not even go to the doctor or hospital because they are too poor. We occasionally pay medication or medical expenses. One advantage, generally in Africa, is that the population is so young. That's why they have fewer problems than, for example, we in Europe.


nice charities work you did filling hungry stomach is the most caring thing
