School orchards


From the educational field, learning and transmitting knowledge about the environment is very important. Knowledge of the environment, nature and other related topics make it easier for children to start learning, from an early age, about the world we live in.

It is very emotional to see the children plant seeds to give life to their school orchards. When a child plants a seed, we are instilling a series of values ​​and principles such as love, respect, dedication, responsibility, ecological and social awareness that will help them make the planet a better place to live.


To reinforce children's knowledge, it is necessary to visit the library or the internet, where they will look for information, drawings and everything related to trees, such as:

  • Tree parts.
  • Needs and care.
  • How and when a tree is planted.
  • Different types of trees.
  • Relationship between trees and people.



Many times schools do not have enough spaces to plant trees, but we can plant in the squares or at home, the most important thing is that the child plant the tree and be responsible for the care he needs, such as watering his tree, removing weeds, etc. It is very important that children know the great value of nature, love it, care for it, respect it, get closer to it, feel it and enjoy it.



It is very important for children to know that trees:

  • They give us shade.
  • They clean up the environment.
  • They attract birds.
  • They give us fruit.
  • They embellish houses, communities, mountains, etc.
  • They help regulate rainfall.
  • Mark the seasons of the year.
  • They provide oxygen.
  • They help prevent water pollution.
  • They provide wood.



Whenever possible, we must involve children in the practice of agriculture in a very fun way, since through their own experience, they acquire the values ​​and knowledge necessary to enjoy, care for and respect our natural heritage.


It's so beautiful to see young hands at this work. Children getting this type of exposure I believe they grow up to be more sensible and sensitive youths.
