RE: 4 months to build a mini-farm & family playground


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Woah! Great to see mountains in the background! And even more awesome to see people not procrastinating and instead, getting shit done!!

Your naturals, it looks like you been doing it for years already 👍

Ive switched to LBRY aswell to get my news and information and I started to collect videos I have watched for reference and suggestions, I will click the the link to go check out yours. Really nice project Lbry, im hooked already!


Sabrina & I independently spent our 20s & 30s perfecting the art of growing a particular plant. And this really seems to help when approaching a garden for the first time ;)

Yeah, Lbry is great. Growing in popularity quickly. It is particularly useful if we are looking to share PDF files, permitting people to download them for offline use. No way to do that here.

I've been a bit slack recently getting more books into that account, but there are only so many hours in the day!

Keep on shining bright :)


Haha yeh its funny how people either grow that plant first and then start with food, or the otherway around, one or the other until we realise we can do both 😝

A couple here are completely self sustained with food from thier epic home and I remember the first weed they grew was totally insane for the first try! And organic ofcourse 🤣

Ive only ever grown with organic fertilzers but maybe next time I will see what monsters I can get from non organic growing 😃

On Lbry I soon realized that ot costs to repost things haha I guess its the fee for transactions.
