Quiero Regresar a Este Lugar



Este fue uno de los últimos viaje que realicé a la montaña, a mí montaña y digo que es mía porque queda muy cerca de mi casa y antes de enfermarme de Covid, solía subirla con frecuencia.

This was one of the last trips I made to the mountain, to my mountain and I say it is mine because this mountain is very close to my house and before I got sick with Covid, I used to climb it frequently.


Yo iba a ese lugar como método de escape. No lo hacía por ejercicio, pero sí para respirar aire limpio y observar el panorama de la ciudad donde resido, San Antonio de Los Altos, Venezuela.

I used to go there as a method of escape. I did not do it for exercise, but to breathe clean air and observe the panorama of the city where I live, San Antonio de Los Altos, Venezuela.


Desde mi casa se ve el sendero principal que conecta con la vía. Siempre miro cómo otros deportistas ascienden y bajan por la colina y siento envidia de no estar completamente recuperado para volver a hacer el recorrido.

From my house I can see the principal trail that connects with the road. I always watch how other athletes go up and down the hill and I feel envious of not being fully recovered to do the route again.


A pesar que no lo hacía como deporte, escalar esa montaña requiere cierta condición física, sobre todo respiratoria. Recuerdo q a inicios de este año retomé el treking y me costó mucho completar el recorrido porque mis condiciones físicas no eran buenas.

Although I didn't do it as a sport, climbing that mountain requires a certain physical condition, especially in terms of breathing. I remember that at the beginning of this year I resumed the trek and I had a hard time completing the route because my physical conditions were not good.


Tengo un poco de miedo de volver a este lugar, siento que mis pulmones no están cómo deberían estar para hacer pausadamente la ruta de montaña.

I am a little afraid to return to this place, I feel that my lungs are not as they should be to make the mountain route slowly.


Uno sube a esos sitios y se siente limpio, se siente diferente y más ecológico. Son lugares que no están tan vulnerados por el hombre, así que no hay tanta basura o ruido. Solo la melodía de la brisa y los alientos perdidos.

You go up to these places and you feel clean, you feel different and more ecological. They are sites that are not so violated by man, so there is not so much garbage or noise. Just the melody of the breeze and the lost breaths.



Pronto tomaré el coraje de subir mi montaña, iré despacio y con alguien que esté pendiente de mi estado de salud durante el recorrido.

Soon I will take the courage to climb my mountain, I will go slowly and with someone who will be watching my health along the way.



Photos by me

Samsung S6


You really had an adventurous moment. What you did is also health beneficial and if constantly done, it'll help improve your health better.

Great pictures @miguelmederico. Venezuela is a beautiful country with awesome landscapes. Sorry for the rigorous pains you must have passed through due to the covid. It's good seeing your health improve as well. Please stay safe, awesome and alive.



Thank you very much for your wishes, my friend. I will do so, I will soon regain the strength to advance again on these paths.
