Why do we judge? - ecoTrain Question Of The Week Season 6 #4: JUDGEMENT


"He who is without sin cast the first stone" and "Why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye but do not see the log in your own eye?” Two words spoken by Jesus and recorded in the Bible that reproach us for judging others.

Why do we do it?

It is an innate human condition resulting from the deviation to the fact of valuing oneself and others.

Since primitive times, the ability to do the tough jobs was measured and it was the one who did it best who ended up being the leader.

Before meeting in society with others, this self-assessment was used to know how much one could count on for survival.

With the growth of groups it was inevitable that different points of view would clash and that passions would produce the use of words as a way of attacking whoever was more powerful, in a way that was not meant as an affront, but as a very subjective opinion.



The greater the volume of people, the more conflicting opinions, and it is undeniable that this would lead to a more customary level of confrontation, and the more the finger-pointing and insults would end up in personal duels and fights to the death.

The law was then created to be the judge of the acts denounced as violating the norms and these in turn were transformed into the law.

Judging was made official but this did not remove the freedom of people to continue doing it, because in the end it is a positive or negative opinion about what a person has done.

It is almost impossible to remain aloof from the actions of those around us and not express an opinion on them, but from healthy criticism to prejudiced criticism there is a small gap, and the epithets and accusations are undeniable.

But now, with the diversification of the media the word now not only remains in some commentary but has unlimited power to destroy whoever is considered an enemy or adversary, for whatever reason, they are a catharsis of low passions.

Ilustración de Tarik Tolunay

The lines between judging, evaluating, giving an opinion, criticising, are very narrow and get confused, which is why some people do not even know when they are doing any of them and some even consider them to be synonyms.

Why do we judge?

Because it is part of our free will and forms an indivisible part of society, whether it is fair or not depends on the lens through which you look at it or the side you are on, because fair derives from justice, and justice is not always fair, because it is subject to the law.



This is very true.
Judging seems to come naturally to man, so that one must force himself not to judge.
The line between judging and criticism is very thin and can get blurred. Thus allowing us to tell ourselves we are only criticizing when indeed we are judging.

This really strikes a chord, one must know the differences so he would know on what side of the line he's on at all times.
