Slipping Into The Comfort Zone Of Our Imagination; Should We Feed These Indulgences?


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It's often usual for people to struggle with what's necessary and what's really right, sometimes we just want to do what's right by us but then this wouldn't really be good for our families, the people who loves us, the people who counts on us to set a pace for them to follow and when we take a look at the narrative, we'll understand that the pressure to do right sometimes comes externally and mostly ignoring the voice to do right would take something big to shut off our conscience. Most times, our emotions becomes our undoing even when we feel it makes us human. However we're perfectly flawed so much that this flawness often becomes one of the reasons why we fail and falter, we find it difficult making the right calls because our emotions are entangled and we become even more uncertain

At the end we feel utter regret, disdain and anger. These are the resultant emotions we have when we show compassion, love, hesitancy and so much more. We're often conflicted with doing what's necessary and doing right by us because sometimes doing the things that are right by us and ignoring what's necessary for us might sound selfish, inhumane and inconsiderate so much that at the end of the day we end up trading what would eventually make us happy because we want to follow a path; a path of righteousness, a path of good, a definition of responsibility and love and while we might not get to live with the repercussions on others of doing what we really want, sometimes we're satisfied that our decisions would make some people happy.

In life there are things we want, indulgences we crave and strange dispositions we wish for. But then they're not really necessary for our lives. What's necessary on the other hand might not even be what we really want. Our mind is limitless and because of this what we might desire might even be further different from what true reality might bring us. There are times we build our perfect world in our mind and even if it's distant to what our reality currently is, it doesn't mean we don't have the right to wish for the impossible. This perfect world might be us, the perfect spouse, the dream job, agelessness, immortality, and many other discrepancies but then it's imperative to know that while this things might bring us a special kind of happiness, they're not really the things which can slide into our reality.

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Everyone wishes for impossibilities because we're so powerful in our thoughts and mind and because we have the freewill to dream we would actually dream when there's nothing holding us back. In reality we can always be conflicting. Infact, our whole essence is made up of contradiction and we often live our lives sieving between what's real and what's not real. It's often difficult to snap out of it because sometimes our dreams are what we want to dwell in. Life's full of limitations and pain and who wants to go through that pain? No one. But then irrespective of how traumatic our reality can be, the fact that it's real and not some "happily ever after" created by our imaginations is one reasons we we should decide to wake up and keep fighting.

Now trimming down to what's right and what's necessary it's imperative we understand that one can be wasteful indulgences while one can be a rocky start at what life truly requires. Now the things that we feel are right by us might not really provide longlasting happiness and in life I feel we should always fight for longevity rather than discontinuance. It's imperative for us to really look at the things we deem good for us, do they really provide solidity and longevity? Would they still be relevant when we need them the most? When we weigh in other things to the table it helps us make better decisions. But then don't forget emotions can entangle with us doing the right things.

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My name is @Josediccus, a young Nigerian student who is a Vlogger, A Psychologist, Poet And Sports Writer/Analyst. I'm using my contents as a process to create shared meaning as well as create expressions through which people on/off hive can relate. I believe content is a process to be enjoyed and relished and I'm up for any collaborations in my field stated above. Cheers

@Josediccus, your brother-in-pen & heart

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