The Great Silencing


I'm really tired of the snowflakes on the political right. It seems right wing pundits, online as well as in the mainstream media, can't stop whining about "cancel culture"; they blame leftists, who they promptly all label as communists, social justice warriors and (cultural) Marxists, for the silencing of far right and conservative voices...

Image by HanaKara - source: Pixabay

In the past week or so, two prominent right wing voices have been "silenced". The quotes are there to signify that there's no real silencing going on here, as usually is the case when the fanatical online proto-fascists and neo-Nazis see one of their prominent speakers being driven into a corner. Stefan Molyneux, popular Canadian anarcho-capitalist, philosopher who's also a downright racist but gives the label some fake scientific credibility by calling himself a "race realist", lost his YouTube channel. And New York Time editor Bari Weiss canceled herself by resigning from her job at that world famous newspaper; in an open letter she complains that the NYT "lost sight of their principles", that the newspaper is unfriendly and hostile toward "alternative" voices. Of course she means to say that leftists have taken over and that there's no room for more conservative or right wing opinions. I really hope your reacting to that, dear reader, is the same as mine: what a load of bullshit!

Ask yourself, and try to answer honestly: which side of the political spectrum has ALWAYS been silenced, first in the mainstream and now online? MSNBC, CNN, all of them, they've been nothing but neoliberal propagandists for their financial backers for the past decades. And before that, leftist voices were silenced because of the Red Scare and McCarthyism; after the Second World War during the 1940s and 1950s socialists and communists were literally prosecuted in the United States. More recently, think back to the wars started after the 9/11 attacks; did you ever see or hear an anti-war voice? Of course not, and if you heard them, they were fired. Save the rise of Bernie Sanders' popularity after the 2016 elections, when did you ever read or hear seriously and openly discussed socialist, Marxist or communist viewpoints? So when people on the political right complain about not being granted enough of a platform, you can rest assured that these are the most extreme far right voices who spout their bigoted and racist opinions while hiding behind their right to free speech. Well, I'm sorry (but not really), free speech doesn't mean that you're entitled to a platform. Molyneux can just move his vile rhetoric to some blockchain based forum (as he's already done I believe), and Weiss should learn the difference between a tidal wave of criticisms and being canceled or being denied a comfortable workplace. What an insufferable bunch of spineless snowflakes...

To be clear, it is the left and it has always been the left that has systematically been denied their voice to be heard, and this has been done all over the world; it's no damn coincidence that we now all must suffer the neoliberal world economy that's been propagandized for decades by the multinationals and their billionaire owners. So stop whining about purple haired feminists having too loud a voice, quit lamenting "safe spaces" where marginalized groups find a spot to openly discuss the injustices done to them over decades, sometimes centuries, and stop crumbling under the slightest bit of criticism; doing so only manages to make you seem pathetic. Yes, much of the mainstream media is anti Trump, and yes they do sometimes exaggerate, as does the DNC. But to claim that therefore "the right" is being silenced? Besides; you still have the biggest channel just for Trump and his uninformed supporters, Fox News. Get real people, and wake the fuck up! Watch the video for a much needed dose of reality...

Bari Weiss Resigns From New York Times With Hilarious Letter

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Awesome article! You're right: people have to wake up.

How can we wake them up?
How many people are we reaching?
How can we reach more people?


lol this zyx066 is such a moron... a caricature... open border... LoL what doesn't he go to their places? against right to bear arms too? I guess it's easier and safer to run little st james that way... and censorship? lol...

frankly, you know, I don't need more convincing that the heavy purge of south america against the leftists so called intelligensia were totally necessary... maybe a little less, or a little more, or maybe many more... but yeah teh clean up post conflict let to desire, specially or maybe exclusively because of this so called drug war...


what I find fun is this idea of cohabitation between leftists and human beings, in the sense that it leads to the cold war, so how is it possible to tolerate one another?

for me, there is yours (and you)

for you, there is only us, with you commanding.

I don't like that.

because it's a lie, first you don't command anything, you just pretend (God does)

and secondly, I don't want to be commanded by you.

at least in the market I can even ask for charity (which can be denied) or scrap the waste, that they excel in generating :D.

but you can't understand what I meant, because you want to command me, as such you must die. sorry :)

market defense forces, action !

and as the market pays better, provide more food and gears and co, you lose :) all the time !


Thank so much @askmihai! 😊🙏🏼

How we wake them up, I really can't say. All we can do is keep trying to educate people, like @sweecee here who revels in his (or her) ignorance... Funny how he (or she) writes almost an entire post's worth to say that we, leftists, strictly adhere to our own ideas and never leave our own camp, when he (or she) literally finishes by saying his (or her) camp will always win... That's a prime example of showing unfounded pride in one's own ignorance... I don't know how to fight that...


My guess is that it's not worth it to invest our time in people we don't agree with or people who can't see what we see. We have bigger stuff to attend to, such as: reaching more people.
How can we reach more people as long as we don't have this goal in our mind?
Shouldn't this be one of the stepping stones that lead toward overcoming our challenge?
When we don't reach more people, then What are we doing?
