Obama Blame Game


Imagine you live in a country that's supposed to be a democracy. The only problem is that there are only two political parties, and they both never do anything you want them to do. They promise they'll do stuff that could make your life better, but you know that these promises are as empty as the vacuum of interstellar space, because they've been making these promises for decades now. What do you do?

source: YouTube

The obvious reaction is one of two things: 1) you stop voting, or 2) you vote for the party you hate a little less. Either way, your hopes of ever getting any help from your elected officials is gone. Your faith in democracy is but a fading memory. And what do the two parties do? They turn down the dial on their own empty promises, and instead point a finger at the opponent, blaming them for every unfulfilled promise. This creates the laughable situation in which the "political divide" grows wider and deeper, while the actual differences between the parties shrink smaller. You see, both parties subscribe to capitalism and serve the capitalists, they both serve the same master, and it ain't you. And when trust in the democratic process has sunk deep enough, someone like Trump happens; citizens throw their support behind the maverick who claims that he's a "man of the people," and they're so fed up with politics that they ignore the fact that he's a self-proclaimed billionaire who share exactly zero interests with them.

Trump, who built a cult of personality around himself, made racism fashionable again, whipped up a frenzy over "fake media" and "stolen elections" that caused the shameful events of January 6, was just the outcome of decades of empty promises, kowtowing to the donor-class, bailing out banks and multinationals while leaving citizens who lost their jobs and homes to fend for themselves. Now, you all know I like to complain about the Trump presidency, but this post I'd like to remind us all that Trump is not the disease. He's just the product of two political parties that have forgotten who they're supposed to serve. The Democrats are at least equally guilty for the Trump presidency and, by extension, for the horrible state of the country, including the storming of the capitol on January 6. And we can draw a direct line from Obama's failed presidency, to Hillary Clinton's pathetic campaign, to Trump being elected. And right now, Biden's Democrats are again failing to give the citizens what they want and need, paving the way for another Trump presidency, or even worse, another fascistoid candidate who's actually smart.

I've never believed in Obama. Before I started posting on blogs in the English language, I had many heated discussions on the forum of the Dutch Socialist Party (SP), where I was relatively alone in condemning Obama's presidency in the early days of 2009 / 2010; all over the world Obama was praised for being the first black president of the U.S., being so damn eloquent, and bringing a sense of hope and change, not just domestically but on the world stage as well. The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were heavily criticized and we just suffered the global financial meltdown; surely Obama was going to make at least some amends. Well, he didn't, and I saw that coming from a mile away. Sure, I was happy for African Americans at the time, for them to have representation at the highest office in a country that has been, and still is troubled heavily by systemic racial inequality. But Obama did little to nothing to actually improve the lifes of American citizens, black Americans included. He ramped up the wars and now has the legacy of being the president that increased drone bombings, killing many innocent citizens in countries full of brown people. And for that he got rewarded with the Nobel Peace Price for Pete's sake!

See Obama school Richard Branson in kite surfing

Obama's biggest failure however would also become the legacy for which he's remembered most; "Obama-care." That was a con-job that would make even Charles Ponzi blush. Democrats keep repeating that, thanks to Obama-care, now millions more Americans have insurance. That's true, and that sounds great. Until you see what's really going on here; healthcare is still as expensive as it's ever been, prices keep going up at the same old rate, and insurance companies make more profits than ever before, because all Obama-care did was make insurance mandatory. Sure there were little optical improvements here and there, but basically Obama-care was copied straight from the right wing plan that was designed at the Heritage Foundation; Big Pharma and the health insurance industry were quite pleased, but American citizens still file for bankruptcy because of medical bills by the millions. America was screwed over, once again, but this time by its first black president, the one who campaigned on "hope and change" in a time that the country needed "hope and change" more than ever before.

So it infuriates me to no end, even if I'm not an American citizen, to hear Obama blame the American voters for Trump. The audacity! No, dear Barack, it's YOUR fault! YOU crushed what little faith was left in democracy by doing business as usual in a time when Americans needed change the most. Watch the below linked video; Obama is doing the rounds, giving speeches to endorse Democratic candidates, and has the gall to accuse voters of not voting! What did you expect Barack? Your party is equally guilty of leaving the American people with a choice between two evils. Kyle Kulinsky remarks in the video that the first thing Obama did after his presidency was giving speeches for hundreds of thousand of dollars. I guess that's true, but the first time I remember him making "the news" after his 8 year run in the Oval Office, was some kind of kite-surfing vacation with billionaire Richard Branson. And of course, the liberal mainstream media reported on this with glee... Oh my God...

Obama Gives WORST Speech Of His Life BY FAR | The Kyle Kulinski Show

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Dear @zyx066, As I read your articles, I thought of this.
If Trump is a white supremacist fascist, is Obama a socialist?
Is ObamaCare a scam to steal American citizens' money?


Obama is no socialist. Not even Bernie Sanders and AOC are socialists...


In the world I live in, Obama and Bernie Sanders are known as socialists.😯
