RE: Jigsaw Pieces Part One: The Corona (Crown) Key To Agenda 2030 & The One World Incorporated


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This post is critical to understanding the forces at work beneath the surface that the vast majority of the population have almost zero knowledge of, not because they are stupid, but because they're conditioned and propagandized to a level never before seen.

As usually, after reading your post... I have nowhere idea where to begin or which critical topics covered here I should like to comment on... because there are simply too many.

I'll touch on a few aspects.
First off, I've looked into BlackRock a little bit recently, are they Rothschild owned as well? I didn't look too far into the ownership. It might be worthwhile since they manage $7 Trillion in assets. One thing, I am certain of is that they're one of the biggest investors in banks and oil companies so they contribute much to the destruction of the natural world.

When I was an undergrad, I studied Geography/Geology/Poli-Sci and we spent a lot of time focusing our studies on global warming and the loss of natural habitat.There were/are a lot of theories as to how to preserve what's left of the natural world as humans continue to encroach upon and divide nature as we see fit (ie. mainly - govs. + corporations and govs working for corporations). One prominent idea at the time was that how nature, intrinsically (without man) produces billions of dollars in goods and free labor and that value is incalculable. Among many valuable work done by the natural world (free of charge) is providing oxygen and air-purification done by forests and trees or how wetlands, swamps and everglades (which man views as useless, wasted land) purifies and detoxifies massive amounts of freshwater. Can we put a price-tag on these vital activities performed by natural ecosystems? How much would it cost to do this work and how much value does it provide to humans and other living creatures?

People were/are actively trying to measure the wealth generated by nature. Another example is the pollination of plants by bees! The idea was that if it were possible to calculate the value generated, in dollars, by our oceans, forests, rivers, coral reefs, animals and by the sun itself - by demonstrating the massive dollar value occurring naturally, it was thought that it could provide a way to promote the Preservation/Conservation of natural habitats. The overwhelming wealth generated by the natural world, for humans, should be considered before any man-made projects could 'extract resources' or 'develop'a given ecosystem. Yet, that's not how our capitalist system works. Rather than preserving we must therefore exploit the natural world for maximum wealth extraction. Since, supranational corporations (above governments) operate without any relationship to the land or ecosystems then they have no reason to preserve these environments or to be "stewards of the land". Instead, resources are required to be plundered with a focus on short-term profits and accumulations. Capitalism necessitates that we view nature, not as complex and perfectly balanced ecosystems, but as an externality, something apart from ourselves. Therefore, nature is there to be conquered and subdued and thus every ounce of profit needs to be squeezed and drained out of it until complete exhaustion. I fear that we've been in a state of environmental exhaustion for decades now and have long passed the tipping point before environmental collapse - just look at the number of endangered species and habitats or the collapse of fish stocks and the total dredging/trolling of our ocean ecosystems.

This scheme will enable the world’s most powerful corporations and financial institutions to monetise the natural world and (through nature credits) find a way to turn the environment into an instrument of profit. Nature will be a service and over time (through a myriad of evolving methodologies) the earth’s inhabitants/collectives will pay for that service whilst the elite will receive perpetual interest for their initial capital investment. Nature reduced to a service delivering asset class and an instrument of capitalist wealth generation for those that seek to keep us in servitude.

I believe that the natural world is already completely monetized and that nature along with the vast majority of the earth's inhabitants already are living in a form of indentured servitude to the great machine of capitalism... but I guess there's always room for more exploitation.

The world is FINTE, but capitalism must continue to grow INFINITELY... it must always have new markets in which prosper. Yet, as we sit on the brink of economic and environmental collapse - we find there's nothing left to exploit. There's no new markets exist in some areas (virtual markets online or space) but there's no traditional markets left as all are being exploited at maximum capacity. I think this relates directly to the financial bailouts. In late stage capitalism, it starts to cannibalize itself - public funds, social security, medicare and medicaid, public services, public lands, national parks) the only untapped markets that remain are those that belong to the public sector and the private sector has been frothing at the mouth to pillage the only remaining wealth that has not yet been accessible.

Just some thoughts I had while reading your epic piece.
Cheers, V


Hey V,

Thank you for the epic comment my friend .. much appreciated! In terms of Black Rock and all of these companies and subsidiaries, whilst I don't think Black Rock are owned by the Rothchilds once you get down to a certain level you begin to realise it's a vast interconnected network that like enables the major players to gather ever more power and influence whilst at the same time (unless you're willing to put in months/years of research) enabling them to operate away from the glare of public scrutiny. This is the reason the vast majority of these players have wealth and assets that would make Bezo's seem like a pauper, yet at the same time, they never appear on any rich lists. Whilst the ownership structure can (at times) become incomprehensible, they have all have alliances and funding mechanisms that bind the entire system .. but make it very difficult to quantify the wealth and the power. Indeed, you could spend the rest of your life researching all these connections and still not unravel the entire web.

It's a very complex system (yes I know I'm probably preaching to the choir with you) that enables them to funnel money for each other, charitable donations and through their philanthropic foundations. In terms of said foundations and interconnected NGO's, non-profits allow corporate donors to create an avenue of tax-free privileges, advertising, and public relations exposure. Donated funds are returned (many-fold) through speculation in the housing, education (which they are also taking over), healthcare sectors and of course tax breaks.

Capitalism necessitates that we view nature, not as complex and perfectly balanced ecosystems, but as an externality, something apart from ourselves. Therefore, nature is there to be conquered and subdued and thus every ounce of profit needs to be squeezed and drained out of it until complete exhaustion. I fear that we've been in a state of environmental exhaustion for decades now and have long passed the tipping point before environmental collapse - just look at the number of endangered species and habitats or the collapse of fish stocks and the total dredging/trolling of our ocean ecosystems.

Yes, I couldn't agree more with your natural capital analysis, on paper people could be hoodwinked into thinking it was a good idea. But I urge them to consider how these financial machinations have worked out for the farm animals, why do they think it would be a different story for the natural order? These people are here to make money, plain and simple! They're already charging us to breathe .. imagine how a natural capital system could evolve, and the derivatives and control mechanisms they could create off the back of it. They have weaponised the destruction they've wreaked upon the natural order and socially engineered it as the guilt that we each wear upon our shoulders. With the guilt in place, they now have our children (many of which they've taught to think in literal terms, and thus miss the nuances and fallacies) lobbying for them and demanding that the same control structure build us their brave new greenwashed world order, and also use their "sustainable" infrastructure to run it. You have to acknowledge the sleight of hand and the genius of it all .. I'll give them that.

You only need to look at their vast centralised and corporatised infrastructure and green energy projects and observe the damage they're (too often) causing to the natural environment to see that the only thing's these people really care about are money, control, and power .. in every sense! I've spoken for years about the benefits a decentralised energy system (the tech is already there for each house to more than cover its own needs) could bring to our individual finances, the elderly, communities and the natural environment .. alas most are lobbying for the exact opposite. Anyway, this is another subject in its self (power to the people) so for now, I will bid you farewell and thank you for the thought provoking comment. Respect to you @v4vapid!
