RE: Jigsaw Pieces Part Two: The Burn Cycle & The Reformation Of The Social Order


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But my friends, what is the common thread that connects them all? Change! Why? Because the hands of time have come full circle and now is the age of the vibrational reformation. This is probably best elucidated within the video above this paragraph. Certainly, as highlighted above we can observe that the prelude to the realignment manifests as chaos, though ultimately chaos is itself an overture to a higher state of order


In many ways several conspiracy theories (obviously I believe the overarching conspiracy to be real) are born of a manipulation of our intuition, that people instinctively know something is very wrong but through the echo chambers of the internet remain divided in their interpretation.

The thing is that we're dealing with a potentially clashing myriad of perspectives, each movement, political ideology, philosophical and spiritual belief all carry (whether at the fringes or inner core) suspicion and conspiratorial theories that often manifest in diametric opposition to one another, and all are being algorithmically coached to believe they are right. Thus we lack a coherent answer to the questions that face us and a system that attempts to divide us.

These points are gold,IMO. ⭐️


As pressure and the pace of change gathers momentum I believe we're gradually (not saying this will play out in the immediate future, more an insidious and ongoing societal reformation that is continually operating in the shadows) moving towards some form of future mental health crisis, out of which will evolve an era of mass confusion, and chaos, that draws ever greater numbers of people towards psychiatry and psychiatric medicine.

Perhaps merely the evolutionary breakdown before breakthrough, the in-between moment in that transition from lower to higher order as the frequency increases and restructures consciousness, a transitory phase as neurology rewires to handle the increased energy influxes.


I’ve had this idea floating around lately but haven’t articulated yet, which parts of this seem to be reinforcing...

Namely, the concept of all these larger interconnection of events not being the product of manmade conspiracy, but simply the unfoldment of our larger evolutionary program.

As per the shift from Cross of Planning to Cross Of Sleeping Phoenix in 2027, as articulated via Human Design, the last 400 years have been a background frequency where institutional and organizational structure has arisen - which is on its way out as the switch is getting turned to a new era where a lot of those structures are breaking down and we’ll see a rise in individualism. From a certain level of perception, it’s quite possible we may perceive the ‘hand’ of the Global Orchestration Directory or Grand Organizing Design (double G.O.D.) playing out via what could be interpreted as deliberate interconnection guided by “an elite” - witnessing those cymatic patterns and assuming it must be man who planned all this patterning and put it into place, rather than seeing from the higher vantage point that it is merely the effect of the background frequency of this epoch in the evolutionary program.

Damn. Thanks for helping draw that out. ☺️🍻


Hey @rok-sivante .. thank you for the thought-provoking comment. I have spent many years looking into many (and exploring my own) of these metaphysical and astronomical interpretations into what is going on, like a fractal looking into both the macro and micro replications of a self-similar universe and how former influences how it plays out within the latter. Within the Vedic understanding offered by Sri Yukteswar the last golden age of humanity peaked around 11,500 BC. From then onwards (although this time period is recognised to contain several peaks and troughs) civilisation fell in consciousness, spirituality, and morality until it reached it’s low in 500AD.

From 500AD humanity began to awaken from our collective slumber and start our often painfully slow ascension. We began to regroup and create thriving cities that became increasingly filled with great works of art and literature. The ascension incorporates the slow rediscovery of our place within the cosmos and the interconnected nature of spirituality and reality. I suppose from a simplistic perspective we’re moving from the winter to the spring of the great year. But equally as with the first faltering steps of spring the winter can still bite back and indeed this can be a dangerous period. Within the great year the return of winter can last for potentially decades at a time but from a much larger perspective, things are changing. If you had looked back in time even 600 – 700 years ago you would have seendisease and wars raging across the entire planet and average life spans would have been 30-40 years. The concept of human rights would have been laughed at.

So the Veda's perceived it as a cycle but in a self-similar universe, I'm open to the idea (and I have other interpretations) of a waveform which (like our tide) rises and falls. The rising and falling motion is also akin to a heartbeat that is perpetually bouncing between positive and negative polarities .. an eternal struggle whose fluctuation brings life to the universe, thus both low vibrational and high vibrational energies are entirely valid but that through free will we get to decide which one we feed. As the wave form rises the vibrational pitch changes but due to the metaphysics of this, there will always be an attempt to draw us back down into a lower vibrational state of being.

This struggle manifests within human society both on the micro and the macro scale, my contention being that there within our "golden age" (the high tide of the vibratory scale) there existed a belief system that I guess is simplistically explained as a scientifically refined level of hermeticism that studied how to elevate consciousness through electro magnetism, changes in the field of light spectrum and how the human body works itself into nature, the cosmos, astrology .. the placement of the pyramids speak to this. The pyramids 30-degree North location was also chosen because it's a planetary energy vector, the wind bands that flow around the earth are known as Hadley & Ferrel cells and each again extend to thirty degrees. One cell from the equator to 30 degrees, a second from 30 to 60 degrees, and a third from 90 to 120, plus there are also vectors of oceanic currents which flow in cells parallel to the Hadley cell.

These wind and oceanic vortexes feed the planets electrical vortex and equate to an energetic resonance generator. Thus whilst also being located within the true prime meridian, the pyramid would also appear to be perfectly placed to harvest both planetary and cosmic energy waves. It should also be noted that the inner frequency of the pyramid is 33 hertz, which alongside Masonic connections is said to be associated with higher states of consciousness.

But misery loves company and thus (during a time of equally tumultuous change) I believe the higher levels of this knowledge were stolen and inverted as an attempt to keep us locked down (thus controlled) within a lower vibrational state of being, lust, fear, greed .. the seven deadly sins. Ultimately this won't succeed because the hands of time, change can't be held back, and the laws of God (or depending upon your belief natural law) are unbreakable .. but that whilst we are caught within a power struggle, and I feel that it's going to get darker yet. Ultimately (in the longterm) we are also witnessing the dying gasps of a control system that is going for broke and attempting to retain control amongst the chaos and thus make it their change.

I know many people don't believe there is a conspiracy and that is cool by me .. I will just add that I'm following my childhood vision and direct experience/observations (as opposed to a youtube rabbit hole) and the realisation that I viewed the world entirely differently to my friends. Rather than merge myself into a general consensus I decided to stay true to my perception and see where it took me, hence its always up the reader to decide who has the perceptualflaws. By remaining true to my childhood intuition (I also think it's wise question ourselves at regular intervals) that there was something very wrong with the world I've been able to observe that the world of today has an uncanny similarity to my initial (in some ways first) instincts. Thanks again dude


Not a conspiracy theorist -

A coincidence Investigator 😉



Looks like you have enough content here for your next post. 😎

Written like a true master. 🙏⭐️🙏
