



its not evil to be evil 😂


I just got a new one! Back to the black background! Clarity in times of uncertainty lol.



Ahhaahah i like it 😆


What do you call the next stratosphere reached when you ascend past cognitive dissonance?

A weekly $1 tax to keep hold of clarity? Such poor usage of grammar and syntax. Back to the drawing board and room full of monkeys on typewriters for the NYT I think.

What is really revolting with this is when the articles are valuable and important for all to read..


That's why it's important to mock media organisations like NYT when necessary. They sure as hell get a kick out of mocking anything that doesn't come from their own circles, so we should do the same!


Mock? I'd rather get around their paywalls and enforced subscriptions.

Used to be a few proxy sites thta were perfect for this https://outline.com/ was one of them but they probably got too many threats and no longer work on major establishment news sites :(

sometimes just archiving the URL with the article via web.archive.org or archive.today works, sometimes you can stop the page from loading completely and capture the text before the paywall loads, I hate paywalls on good, investigative content so much!


Lol, 'this guy' looks familiar hhmmm...

If you haven't been censored on social media yet, you're not speaking truth to power.
In all honesty, I think I got suspended for my posting my piece on David Copperfield and his connections to Epstein, but I can't be sure because I didn't waste a minute trying to find out.

I'v seen a lot of people bitch and beg and cry when they get suspended, but they should stop and think for a moment - Do I actually want to be here in this toxic echo chamber? Twitter is a shitshow, as you know.

I fired up my alt, just to help promote Hive and Deep Dives - so, yeah I'm still there, but no FB and no YT accounts.

In times of uncertainty the printed version of the NYTimes could make a good fire starter or in times of great distress could use it for toilet paper.

I also liked the "Being evil is not evil" motto! lol


Haha, thought you would enjoy that meme of your account!

If you haven't been censored on social media yet, you're not speaking truth to power.

Very true, unless you are not on mainstream social media in the first place. Can't get censored that way lol.

In all honesty, I think I got suspended for my posting my piece on David Copperfield and his connections to Epstein, but I can't be sure because I didn't waste a minute trying to find out.

Sure, sure. I'll stick to the Russian bot theory. Don't worry, it's ok to be evil:)


I tuned in to a YT livestream today by Memoryhold which had @TitusFrost as a guest.

This topic of tech giant/ internet-wide censorship was brought up a lot after an initial bout of technical difficulties. Personally, I'm sick of hearing the deja-vu inducing REEEEEEE!!!! regarding tech giants and the censorship on their platforms, especially when such criticism is aired on the platform itself. Seems pretty ironic to me and just so self-defeating. Yes, I'm having a REEEEEEEE! moment too so read on please.

Just a personal gripe really. Yes, you shouldn't be shadowbanned, or demonitized or curated by unknown platform content flaggers to be censored but you are and have been for years.

Despite this, you can always make another account. in the case of Youtube and the G-suite of apps and products, you can make up to 50 branded accounts. There's many things you can try,, push the envelope and be experimental too (this is not to be construed as advice, merely a suggestion to broaden your horizons).

If the whole expectation to have some of the biggest, most powerful technocratic online platforms be beholden to hosting your content is only based upon how easy it is to earn a living from publishing on that platform, what value is that platform to you except as a cash cow?

Maybe that platform should be left to the rotten scoundrels who have become so formulaic in their content as to be indentured to their platform master, like both Titus Frost & MemoryHold mentioned, self-censoring.

Let them pander to their master, grasping ever tighter onto a ephemeral "career", these platforms also host the most online child exploitation, livestream grooming and abusive content too.
The Youtuber e-celebs can squabble over MCN memberships, CPM and Google Adsense auction revenue ever more desperately while I and many others type a few more keys on the keyboard and click the mouse a few more times to try something different, be part of a viable alternative and a possible emerging contender for freedom of thought & expression.

I'm so tired and triggered by seeing the same old abusive and exploitative shit wrapped up in a slightly differing way on this tech giant social media platforms. It's not going to change, parents don't give a fuck if their kids could get ruined for life from an ipad and kids find it exciting getting all this attention until they suffer that irreperable psychosocial scarring.

I've never gone on the darkweb and I still feel like i'm deeply ptsd'd, triggered and soul-sickened by what I investigated via Investigating Youtube and #ExposingExploitation @Ex-exploitation.

THis year is a year for me (for once). I'm not gonna venture into this shit again until I sort out my own personal greivance with it from decades back. You hear that? Decades back!


Yes, I agree. It's just better for people who get censored to move on and use other platforms. i.e create new ones or use platforms that are available, and have policies that allow for all content. That's why I don't have any social media accounts on those mainstream platforms myself. I do have a youtube account, but I don't host any content myself - only use it to subscribe to other content producers and view their work. Other than that, it's a waste of time end energy trying to fight it IMO.


Now i'm just nitpicking.

Julian assange challenged the establishment how? More to the point, how come he wasn't suicided? Is he an example kept alive and paraded in the #MSM for us to steer away from?

Have you heard of https://wikispooks.com/wiki/Cryptome or https://wikispooks.com/wiki/John_Robles ?

Sorry for being a cunt today. REEEEE!


Yes I am aware of wikispooks and I do reference it at times. I'm also very much aware of cryptome and the entire history (and feud) between them and Wikileaks. Ironically though, cryptome actually hosts Wikileaks files on their server. You can see it right here from their search feature. In fact I have used cryptome documents in some of my research articles in the past, including my my very first deep dives article.

On Assange himself, even if you don't believe he challenged the establishment (or whatever you think of him personally), I can assure you the documents do that job, for themselves. I know different people have varying opinions of him, and it's understandable that that is the case.

LOL with the REEEEEE!


Love the Cranky Humour

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