CYNTHIA THE RICH GIRL. - SERIES 1 -(an original story written in series.)



Cynthia was a beautiful girl from a rich background and like poeple would say, she was born with a silver spoon. She did not talk to her classmates and the girls in the community because she felt they were not up to her standard. She got the best treatment from Teachers and the proprietor of the school and usually made other kids in the community and school feel inferior.



In the community, there had been a long standing rule that no female is allowed to visit the community stream on the last Saturdays of every month. Although Cynthia was aware of this rule, she never took it serious. To her, such rules were for the poor masses and promised herself that she would proof it. so the day came and she decided to proof that she was above all odds.

Cynthia set out for the stream. All who saw her try talking to her about the dangers of visiting the stream but she paid deaf ears.

What Cynthia encountered at the stream shall be revealed in the SERIES 2.
Be anticipating!!!


  1. We must not look down on anybody.
  2. We must have a teachable spirit and heed to people's advice/warnings.
  3. We need each other to survive.
  4. Whether Rich or Poor, God made us all.


  1. Why did Cynthia not relate with other girls?
  2. What happens in the community every last Saturday?
  3. Cynthia was from a _________ background?
  4. Females are to visit the stream every Saturday. TRUE or FALSE?
