

Although there is nothing to be done to add to the potential an individual inherits at birth yet parents and teachers should help to improve opportunities to develop the individuals potentials. The environment should be made as possible.

  1. Mothers should be exposed to health care services. They should be taught the effects of some dangerous drugs on the foetus. There should be grassroots enlightenment on health care both during and after pregnancy.

  2. Whenever a child is sick, he should be referred to a doctor for medical attention, some neglected diseases have led to mental impairment and intellectual malfunctioning.

  3. Students with physical deformity must be encouraged as much as possible and be made to feel free and warmly accepted by others.

  4. Teachers should try to find out the causes of a child's poor achievements in school work and try to provide remedial measures whenever possible and practicable.

  5. Teachers should provide appropriate study materials suitable for each level of students in terms of maturity. It is not necessary to teach abstract concepts to children of concrete operational stage.

  6. Learners readiness must be
    taken into consideration whenever a child ready, every attempt should be made to provide the opportunities to learn.

  7. In order to make learnings effective, teachers should help to develop high self concept in their pupils by positive attention, encouragement and instilling in themselves confidence in their personal worth as well as in their ability to succeed in school work.

  8. Teachers should motivate their students by making learning materials purposefully, satisfying and very interesting.

  9. Parents should ensure healthy and psychological climate at home. Because poor mother- father relationship at home have disastrous effect on their children's learning in school. As much as possible stimulating and educative materials should be provided for children at home, these include short children's story books, toys, etc.

Therefore, teachers should receive adequate training with some knowledge of child psychology, and also the importance of teachers should be appreciated by the society. Besides, the government should encourage them both by constant promotion and study leave with pay or in- service training in order to boost their morals.


The learners need adequate attention whenever they're in school.
Teachers should try as much as they can to be there for them any time any day.
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