Guidelines for use of audio-visual aids


Although audio-visual aids are very helpful teaching aids, certain guidelines must be observed if they are to be effective. Some of these are;



  • The audio-visual aids should be carefully selected in relation to the subject matter and interest of the students.
  • Films and film strips are to motivate Instruction, they should never replace planned sequential procedures of instruction but should extend it.
  • Planning well in advance for the showing of the film is very important. Such providing extension cords and insuring proper lightening should be checked before the meeting of the class.

The film or strip should be threaded and ready for projection before class assembles.

  • Audio-visual materials is previewed to acquiant the teachers with the content and allow them to formulate plans to raise questions, comments and expect questions from pupils.
  • Class discussion is followed immediately after showing the film. Discussion may not take place during the filmstrip.
  • The film or strip may be shown again, if necessary, to clarify details and to re-emphasize various points.
  • The film or strip is evaluated by the teacher and the pupils to determine the extent of its contribution to the unit of Instruction.
  • After the projection or discussion of the film or strip, the planned class procedure should be continued, relating the contents of the film or the strip to the Instructional unit.

Thanks for reading, I appreciate

Still @Mhizerbee
