Temperature Scales


Hello friends, there were few things which really confused me when I was a kid. One of the thing was average temperature of human body. Majority of us know it's 98.4 or 37.4. The confusing things for me was its unit. So, I decided to write a post for kids about temperature scale.

Centigrade Scale
Kelvin Scale
Fahrenheit Scale
Rankin Scale



Centigrade Scale
Centigrade is a scale which we normally see in thermometer. There are few thermometers which has both Fahrenheit and Centigrade Scale. The normal body temperature in Centigrade is 37.4 Degree Centigrade. Conversion of Centigrade to Fahrenheit is simple.

C = (F - 32)/1.8

Kelvin Scale
Friends the standard unit of temperature in System international is Kelvin. But if you observe temperature on thermometer you will find degree F or degree C. Actually Kelvin doesn't use in thermometer.Kelvin is used for absolute temperature. For 1 degree Celsius rise in temperature means 1 Degree rise in Kelvin. So, one can easily convert C in to Kelvin by this formula
K = C + 273.
This means at zero degree Celsius temperature is 273K , and in 100 degree C temperature is 373K. The conversion is simple. Temperature in Kelvin is mostly used in calculations and using absolute temperature. Zero Kelving means absolute temperature.

Fahrenheit Scale
The temperature scale is in the name of physicist Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit. This temperature scale is widely used in USA and Western Pacific. The conversion of Fahrenheit to Celsius Scale is simple.

C = (F-32)/1.8
1.8 C = F - 32

Water boils at 100 Degree Celsius. What will be its value in Fahrenheit Scale

1.8 x 100 = F - 32
F= 180 + 32
F = 212

Rankin Scale

There is another Scale name Rankin Scale which is just used in calculation.
There is analogy between Fahrenheit and Ranking Scale. 1 Degree rise in Fahrenheit Temperature there is 1 Degree rise in Rankin. The conversion formula of Rankin is

R = F + 459.4

Interestingly Rankin scale also gives absolute temperature value zero.

How? Check it yourself. Absolute zero means -273 degree Celsius. Now convert it in to Fahrenheit.

F = 1.8 X C + 32
F = 1.8 x-273 + 32
F = -491.4 + 32
F = -459.4

Now if we add this value in Rankin equation. i.e R = F + 459.4
R = -459.4 + 459.4
R = 0

This is the beauty of science. Isn't it.

Points to remember.

Water boil at 100 degree Celsius, or 212 Degree Fahrenheit, 373 Kelvin, 671.4 Rankin. Absolute temperature in Kelvin and Rankin is zero, while in C & F is -273 & -459.4 respectively.

-40 Degree is the temperature where Celsius and Fahrenheit shows same

Conversion between different scales.

This is it for today's post. Hopefully you will like my today's post. Wish you all a very happy, safe, healthy and blessed life ahead!. Have a nice time.
