Killing Two Main Enemies in Writing |


The two main enemies in writing are lazy and bored, this is the main for a lot of creative work. There is no specific strategy against boredom and laziness that strikes. All of them can attack anyone, any profession, anywhere, and anytime. The formula of a writer in building his authorship character is not necessarily suitable for other writers. Each writer has their own tips which they develop after going through a process of trial and error dozens - even hundreds - times in writing activities. So, many suggestions that mention, find your own formula!

How to find it? Authorship manuals, indeed help a lot. However, writers who can help themselves in the end. This paper does not help much, just sharing experiences and describing the choices that can be made. In the end, everyone must be the best motivator for themselves.

Below are some things related to the two main killers of the writer and some tips that I have summarized, both based on my own experience and the experiences of other co-authors based on what I have read or discussed.

1. Humane

Lazy and bored are human qualities that humans have. So, don't condemn yourself as lazybones and easily bored. There are times when even a diligent person becomes unenthusiastic either because of obstacles originating from oneself (internal) or others or the environment (external). I prefer to use the term "less enthusiastic" than the term "lazy" to motivate myself.

If you are lazy, then we are not always in a situation like that. Likewise, if you're bored, then we are not always in that condition. The situation will change.

Well, professional writers can control and can master the lazy and bored. Meanwhile, aspiring writers let bored and lazy to master them.

There is the difference. Do not be immersed in feeling lazy and bored for a long time so that one post is not finished in one day (even though only one page). As far as staying consistent and having a passion for writing, bored and lazy will pass. If we compare them to parasites, "bored" and "lazy" will also get bored staying long in diligent people.

2. Know yourself

Every human being has a different character, so tips for one writer in confronting the two killers are not necessarily suitable for other writers. Everyone's endurance is different. Lazy and bored attacks also have different effects in the short, medium, or long term.

Sometimes, a writer is only lazy for one or two hours, so that he needs a rest period. However, another writer has been resting for two days and has not finished writing. An effective medicine for one person may not be effective for another person even though the disease is the same. This is not a matter of taste, but basic qualities.

Only we know best our own potential. If anyone doesn't know, know yourself. What we are, how determined we are to face challenges, what we like and hate.

In dispelling boredom and laziness, too. For someone who is bored, perhaps long writing is not a pleasant job. Just writing the title and one paragraph just got bored, how would want to finish a book that is 100 pages long or more. Must deal with these conditions, for example by writing fast despite many mistakes, or writing in a pleasant place, or write about topics that we like. In short, there is always a choice!

Some are lazy to edit after writing. There is always a solution. For example, asking someone else for help to edit. Or just post and the community will correct later (although this is not recommended because when a lot of mistakes other people are lazy to read it).

3. Do activities outside of writing

Writing on or reading on for a long time without stopping, can cause boredom and laziness. All work is like that. Ronaldo also needs activities outside soccer practice. He can't practice 16 hours a day even though his main job is football.

Does anyone remember Lothar Matthaeus? He was the captain of the (West) Germany team in the 1990s and had brought the World Cup champion in 1990. When a reporter asked if he was not bored with soccer practice, he mentioned that there must be boredom. When it comes, he does things that are not related to football, namely washing dishes. That's the way he dispels boredom. Washing the dishes certainly has nothing to do with football and will not add to its ability to poke the ball.

Japanese writer Haruki Murakami provides eight hours a day to write. The other sixteen hours are used for other activities that have nothing to do with writing. Time management, that's the key.

I also feel bored in writing, especially when I am too tired, both physically and mentally. Many other things I do, but the most often is exercising or kicking a ball against the wall. At home I have a ball that I often use to just juggle a ball for a few minutes. Then, I returned to writing. Another thing I do is read and watch movies, or joke with children. After the boredom and lazy subsided, I returned to writing.

Do interludes in accordance with their respective hobbies. Maybe there are writers who like to sing, no problem singing, singing karaoke, to kill the killer; bored and lazy. Or just take a walk to get some fresh air. As for Murakami, every morning after writing always jog, after that write again. Many things can be done besides writing, as long as not after leaving the writing, then left for good because it is not continued.

4. Pay in installments or once seated?

Each person also differs in the pattern of completing one writing. There are people who when writing must finish right then and there. Because if you pay in installments, then he cannot return to writing. So, a writing must be finished in one sitting.

For writing a book, of course it can't be like that. However, for posting two or three pages on Steemit, it still works. In fact, writing a short story can still be in one sitting.

Determine whether we want to write long or short? If you want to write a book, of course you have to get used to writing in installments. Well, there is one tip from the United States writer, Ernest Hemingway, suggests to stop writing when there is still much to be written. Don't finish it all on that day. Stop when the "tension" in the writing peaks, so tomorrow we already know where to start. There is no harm in trying these tips. If it is suitable, apply. If it doesn't match, find tips on Steemians' best friends.

5. Write an outline

In general, outlines or frameworks are needed for long writing so we have a guide, not getting lost halfway. When confused about what to write, morale can decrease. Lazy and Bosa attack. By making an outline, we have tried to avoid the arrival of laziness and boredom.

6. Change the methodology

We find the authorship methodology of continuous development. Sometimes, the methodology that we do is not necessarily compatible with our characteristics and the situation at that time. Maybe there are writers in completing an article must first collect material including photographs and finish right then.

However, at that time there were other activities that could not be abandoned. So, our habit of writing one post in one sitting cannot always be observed. If you only stick to one method, then it is not flexible when the situation changes.

This writing methodology also applies in many ways. That is, we must be open with various variants so as not to get caught up in boredom. Writing is indeed a monotonous activity, but changing the methodology will ease boredom.

7. Change the atmosphere

Where is comfortable writing? In a quiet room in the middle of the night silent without any sound? Or in a cool room? In a noisy coffee shop, or where and how?

This also concerns each other's characteristics. Some people can't write in a crowd because it's hard to concentrate. There is also no problem with the hubbub of the crowded atmosphere.

Monotonous atmosphere at home can also cause boredom and laziness. If you usually write in the room facing the wall, try occasionally switching positions facing the window. Or you can also write on the outside terrace filled with flowers. That is what I do. At night I write a room facing the wall. But in the morning and afternoon, I write on the side porch. When my eyes get tired, I often look away to the yard to refresh my eyes with green trees and flowers.

I also often write while listening to songs I like or tuning in to instrumental music relaxation photo to stimulate creativity and enthusiasm. But don't get sleepy because the music is too relaxed. In essence, the writer must create his own comfortable atmosphere for writing.

8. The right time

Every writer has a different habit. Turkish writers, Orhan Pamuk, are more comfortable writing midnight, Murakami and Tony Morisson always sleep fast and wake up fast to write. We find the right time and this appropriate after wrestling in the world of writing consistently.

Well, what if there is no time to write because there is another job? Don't assume you don't have time because everyone has the same time, which is 24 hours. If there is still time for a Barack Obama, who was president of the United States of America to write, then don't we?

Our way of thinking must be changed. Instead of looking for free time to write, but taking the time to write. If you can't do eight hours a day like Murakami, you can still do one hour a day, which is important to write every day.

9. Don't delay please

Don't be the Procurator please. Once postponed writing, it can get stuck in the habit of delaying.

Do not ever postpone writing because we never know later, tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow what happened. The Japanese never postpone work because completing work at the time also means avoiding one obstacle.

Don't write later or tomorrow. Write right now. Tomorrow other jobs are waiting. As the saying goes; if there is anything worth delaying, then that is delaying doing the delay.

10. Sports/workout

Sports activities blood circulation throughout the body, including the supply of oxygen to the brain. Sports can drive lazy and bored in writing, except in sports we are lazy.

Sports here are not limited to activities requiring long periods of time such as jogging or 2 notes & bikes, but can also dispel boredom with short sports such as sit ups, push ups, and do stretching (stretching) so that the muscles are supple. Stiff muscles will flex so that they are eager to continue writing.

On the sidelines of long writing, I sometimes do sit ups with various variants of movement. The stomach hasn't arrived sixpack yet, but it's not even distended.

11. Love writing

Don't make writing a burden. Whatever our work, however heavy, if we love it can be completed. Steemians must love reading and writing activities in order to enjoy it. We have fun by writing, not the other way around getting burdened by writing. All burdens will feel light if done with love.

Some say, the most enjoyable job is a paid hobby. Find passion in writing. If we find passion and love, even though no posts are upvoted, or our writing is rejected by the editor, we are not broken and will continue to write and read. Keep reading and writing.

12. Target with timelines

Let me focus more on writing, make targets and timelines. The target must be clear and rational. For example, make two posts per day with a minimum length of two pages and two pieces of photos.

A timeline is a timeline that contains activities per day or per week or per specified time. Say, today one chapter must finish writing a particular topic. Make a firm timeline and try as much as possible not to violate it. There are no sanctions for violating them, but it is we who will bear the loss.

When I finished the novel 389 KM Jejak Gerilya Sudirman, I made it a goal to write one chapter a day. At first I thought this target was burdensome. But after I did it turns out there were those who were met, even though some were not. But at least, I already have a target time to finish the novel and finally it is finished according to the target.

With targets and timelines, no time is wasted. We already know what we will write today, tomorrow, and the next day.

13. Write on, read on

There is nothing instant in writing. We won't be good at writing just by reading a writing manual. Writing skills also require ongoing practice.

There are only two exercises; that is write on and read on. These two activities cannot be separated from each other. Both need each other. We are grateful that Steemit has become our media to hone writing while getting adequate rewards. Communities like @steemiteducation are also very helpful in channeling writing creativity, especially if there are other Steemians who can correct each other to hone our writing so that it becomes more luminous.

Make writing as a lifestyle and necessity. Just like eating rice that can be three times a day but we are never bored because it has become a staple food. That's how to write. Make it the main activity even though Steemians have other professions. May the words "lazy" and "bored" disappear from the vocabulary of all of our authorship activities. []




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