Would I Lie To You?


Source IMDB

My first post for the commhnity CineTV is about comedy show, one of my favourite. Although I have many favourites, why not to start with Would I Lie To You?

First, the title is eye catching and provokes curiosity. What it is about? A comedy game show or as also described as comedy panel show, WILTY (this is the abbreviation) was first aired on BBC in 2007 and still continues. The British program is hosted by Rob Brydon and the two team captains are David Mitchell and Lee Mack. In each episode there are two celebrities in each team. The aim of the game, as the title suggests, is to tell story that the other team should guess if it is true or lie.

How it works? Each of the contestants, including their captains reads a statement that is sort of hidden and even embarrassing moment of their life. The other team must determine if this is true or lie by asking questions. And believe me, this is so funny. Some stories were told in such way, that hardly they can be accepted as truth and some lies seem so truthful. I don't follow who wins and how many points the teams earn, because my focus is on the whole story and it is hilarious.

Sometimes, the statement is related to an object. The player reads Possesion and shows something that belongs to him/her. But it could not be and the statement to be a lie.

Another part of the show is when a guest is introduced by his name only. Then, one of the teams, each of the celebrity panel must tell how is related with the guest again with a short statement. The other team again by asking questions should decide who is telling the truth. At the end the guest reveils his/her true identity and with whom is realted. The funny thing is that the guest is standing still between the teams and must not show any emotions. You can imagine how hard it is not to laugh at the jokes while the discussion follows. Sometimes the guest will smile faintly but keep on standing still till the very end.

If you haven't seen this program, I recommend it. It is fun, it is very entertaining and witty. If you have seen it, do you like it or not?

Thank you for viewing.

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