Homemade Sour Cherry Recipe


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I have been away from you for a few days due to the intensity. When the summer season opens, we are making preparations for the winter, so I could not spare time here. Since ancient times, women in the villages make preparations for food and drink in the winter. Thanks to these pre-prepared foods in bad winter conditions, people lived in comfort. This habit continues today. We prepare phyllo, drinks, tomato paste, noodles and pickles that we will consume in winter with my mother and neighbors. Our first winter product this summer was beverage. I will share our other preparations with you in the future. Sour Cherry season has started around here. Sour cherry trees are starting to bear fruit. We picked sour cherry in a friend's garden the other day. I love sour cherry juice. Whenever I consume it, I think of primary school years. Back then, I ate cherry juice and pies. I will never forget the taste of these two.

After I moved from the city and came to the small town, I stopped consuming Coke. Now I prefer homemade drinks instead of consuming coke. Since we make it ourselves, I do not have the slightest doubt about how it is produced at least. If you have fruit trees in your garden, you can prepare drinks from them. Cold fruit juices are refreshing in the sweltering summer heat.

Materials needed;

Sour cherry

Tools Required

2 Pots
Jar lid


First of all, we washed the cherries we collected well. I forgot to weigh the weights of the cherries, but I guess that all the cherries we collected from the tree are close to 8-9 kg. We added 1kg of sour cherry to the pot and filled it to the brim with water. We opened the bottom of the stove and started to boil the cherries.


We continue to boil until the cherries crack and give their aroma to the water. Stir the pot from time to time with the help of a spoon. Add sugar to the boiling mixture. We made it according to our own taste. I don't like too much sugary taste. We add sugar proportionally so that the cherry does not lose its unique sour taste. If we add too much, that taste is lost, so we add it by tasting. Since we did not measure, I cannot give an exact measure, but we added an estimated 6-7 spoons of sugar. You can increase or decrease the sugar according to your taste.


We add sugar and continue to boil. Then, with the help of a ladle, strain the cherries into another deep pot. While straining, you can crush the cherries well and extract more juice if you wish. We made it light because my brother doesn't like sediment in it. If it were up to me, I would squeeze the cherries well and not waste any juice of the fruit. I have heard that the residue of the fruit is also beneficial.

We put the juice of the strained cherries back on the stove. Since we will be canning, the cherries must be very hot. While filtering, the temperature drops as we take it into a new pot. So we have to put it on fire again. You can discard the residues left in the strainer. You can use it as a marmalade if you wish. For this, you need to strain the sour cherries with their residues in a bowl. until the seeds remain. Then you can put it in a jar and use it in muffins and cookies. Since we were going to make more sour cherries, we had to throw away the residues left in the strainer.


When the cherries boil again, we can move on to the jar filling process. Do not turn off the stove during this process. Temperature is essential for jars to hold lids well.

With a deep ladle, we pour the cherry juice into the jar. After filling it to the brim, we close the lid. The jar lid must be new. Thanks to the temperature, the jar lid will be tightly closed. Care must be taken during this process. Your hands may burn because the cherry juice is very hot. You can use cloth like my mother.


We put the closed jar in a corner upside down. Keep it upside down until it cools down. The reason we do this is because the lid is locked by temperature. Thus, your cherry juices will be durable for a long time until winter.


This process took 2 3 hours and we were very tired, but the result was worth it. We got a total of 20 jars of cherry juice. This winter we will have enough of cherry juice.

This process took 2 3 hours and we were very tired, but the result was worth it. We got a total of 20 jars of cherry juice. We used jars of 1 liter sizes. Looks like we'll have our fill of cherry juice this winter. Our preparations for winter will continue. We are planning to make prune juice in the future. For now, the plums are not fried, we are waiting for them to brown.



In order for the products in the jars to last for a long time, the lids must be new. We buy new jar lids every year when we make drinks. If the lids are not new, the prepared beverage will spoil in 3-5 days. But when it is made with a new cover, it can stand for a year without any deterioration.

For now, I'll end my post here. See you in my next post.

A big thank you to all of you for reading and supporting. Please stay with love.


When I was a child, there was a tree near the house... where I used to gather these fruits and also make this same sweet. Thanks for such a delicious recipe!

!discovery 25


Glad to take you back to your childhood. Thanks for your support and comment.😍


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