How about a breakfast to stick-to-your-ribs - Oatmeal


Wholly molly kids. WTF. I know there's a global pandemic, but we all need to chill out a little and remember there are others out there that may need supplies and rations. Yes, talking to all you toilet paper hodler's


Here's my take on some good ole wholesome stick-to-your-ribs food. I love oatmeal, it's nutritious, filling and shelf-stable. I added a poached egg to it for some protein. I've added my poached egg trick below.

  • 1/4 Cup of Oatmeal
  • Sprinkle of Cinnamon
  • Honey to taste
  • Half a cup of boiled water

The poached egg trick


Ok, so for the poached egg you need a pyrex or microwave-safe container. I use a pyrex measuring cup. To start, add a 1/4 cup of vinegar and then 3/4 cup of boiled (hot) water. Then crack your egg into the measuring cup.


Place the measuring cup, with the egg into the microwave and cook it on high for 45 sec. I've found this timing will give you a nice semi-soft yolk. If you want it softer or harder play with the cooking time.


If you've done it correctly you should end up with a floating poached egg.


Use a slotted spoon to get the egg out and place it onto the oats and enjoy. You should be able to get about 3-4 eggs out of the measuring cup before you need to replenish the vinegar/water.


Everyone, stay safe, stay healthy and FFS stop hoarding the damn toilet paper and maybe everything else while you're at it. Think of others, think of community.

Let me know how you like your oatmeal.



But the end of all things has drawn near. Therefore be sober-minded and be sober unto prayers.(1 Peter 4:7)

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