Efficacy of kachu shak in rural Bengal...

Hello viewers.I hope everyone is well by the grace of God.After a long time, I would like to share with you again the magical effectiveness of another popular beneficial herb in the Natural Medicine community.I hope you like it
Kachu is one of the most popular vegetables in Bangladesh and West Bengal.This vegetable is more or less a familiar vegetable to all of us.Kachi contains a lot of vitamins which are very important for the human body.There is no pair of spinach to maintain the supply of oxygen throughout the body.


We know that when the level of hemoglobin in the blood decreases, the supply of oxygen to the body decreases.kachu shak is much more effective in maintaining oxygen supply in the body.Kachushak is also rich in iron.When the level of hemoglobin in the blood decreases, all the doctors recommend eating kachu sak.Those who have problems with constipation should eat plenty of spinach.Because kachu has a lot of fiber which helps in digestion of food easily.

Kachushak plays a very effective role in boosting immunity.Although it does not work for any specific organ disease alone, it does benefit the whole body in other ways.It is usually necessary to eat kachu shak for the patients suffering from anemia as the kachu tip and black kachu shak contain iron.


Sometimes it goes without saying that there is no side effect of kachushak except a slight itching of the throat.As much as there is harmful oxalic acid in the vegetable, if it is soaked in water overnight, it goes away.So you need to eat kachusaka regularly.As Kachu contains vitamins A and C, patients with night blindness and mouth ulcers must eat Kachu.In addition to providing essential nutrients, it has been used since ancient times as a medicine for various ailments.Ol kachura juice can be fed to patients with high blood pressure as an antidote.Also, if someone has a fever, they can be fed raw vegetables to lower their body temperature.

Pregnant mothers from poor families can easily meet their iron and vitamin needs because of the high cost of health and where they are born.In addition, children should be fed kachu vegetables from an early age to meet the nutritional needs of the body.

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Thanks everyone......


Thanks for sharing this plant with us and explaining it's health benefits. I am wondering whether it is the eaves or root that you consume?, I notice you mention Spinach a bit also, is it related? many thanks
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Thanks for your nice compliment.. Stay safe & be happy.
