RE: Finding Purpose and the Roles We Adopt.


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They still play the same role as far as I'm concerned.

My kids tried the "okay boomer" thing with us because they'd heard other people on Youtube etc using it and it was fun and catchy, and then rebelliously continued trying after we tore them to shreds (nicely of course) and now they're smart enough not to say it around us if they're still saying it.

And as for your daughter showing exasperation about your completely irrelevant skills and knowledge, well don't you remember doing the same thing at that age only to deeply regret your sheer bloody minded self righteous idiocy later on? XD

Or is it just me x_x


I actually didn't do that at her age, but my sister (and I'm sure many others) did. Maybe that's why I find it hard to deal with, because I know I'd never dismiss people like that and I guess I thought the children I raised would show a similar respect. Yes, more fool me...hey, would you stop giving me self revelations!

So, how did yout tear them to shreds? Do share. 😈


Wow you really are a good person :O

Well the first "shred" which was when they tried that on J and we informed them that J is actually GenX and I'm actually apparently Millenial (which was news to me), aka maybe they better not throw things around like they know what they're talking about because someone that does might just point it out and make them look stupid XD

Then letting them know that they just insulted their beloved grandparents because you can't make exceptions when you're making broad sweeping statements like that.

And then pointing out that ageism is a thing and that they're as bad as all the racists and sexists blah blah blah that they are really very extremely much against.

And then they kept going for a while in an attempt to maintain their pride and then I haven't really heard it since.

The End.



Oh, well played!

My eldest tells me in not far off being a millennial, which was also news to me. I figured that anyone born to a boomer was automatically a gen X, then gen X's children would be gen Y (or millennial as they are apparently now known). Seriously, why do they dwell on this stuff so much? I'm pretty sure we never did.


Maybe because we had/cared less about labels previously? Before Joe had the autistic label he was either weird and possibly deserving of contempt or a quirky individual that wasn't very sociable but the most amazing book keeper depending on whether "you" were an arsehole or not. Now we have a label for everything and if tumblr and dA are anything to go by some people seem to like collecting them XD
