Family Medicinal Plants


Hello Everyone


Family medicinal plants or commonly abbreviated as TOGA are plants that can be cultivated in the yard and have benefits as traditional herbal medicines. The use of plants as herbal medicine has been practiced since ancient Egypt around 2500 BC. Indonesia has 30,000 types of plants from a total of 40,000 types of plants in the world, and 940 of them are plants that can be used for traditional medicines in everyday life. The results of several studies have shown that traditional medicine (ingredients) which are mixed from medicinal plants are easier to digest by the body and do not cause too many side effects. There have been many developed countries that have started to produce medicines from herbal plants @rezalhok

Utilization of Medicinal Plants (TOGA)

In plant parts as listed below it can be used as medicine. Plant parts consist of the leaves, bark, fruit, seeds, and even the roots

  • Daun Dewa (Gynura segetum) to treat vomiting of blood and swollen breasts
  • Celery (Apium graveolens L.) to treat high blood pressure
  • Belimbing to treat high blood pressure --
  • Kelor to treat heartburn and fever
  • Spinach leaves to treat blood deficiency
  • Kale (Ipomoea aquatica) to treat insomnia or sleep disorders
  • Saga (Abrus precatorius) to treat coughs and mouth sores
  • Chinese girlfriend (Aglaiae ordorota Lour) and yellow (Murrayae paniculata Jack) to treat gonorrhea (sexually transmitted disease)
  • Landep (Barleriae prionitis L.) to treat rheumatism Miana (Coleus atropurpureus Bentham) for treating hemorrhoids
  • Papaya (Carica papaya L.) to treat fever and diarrhea
  • Cumin (Trachyspermum roxburghianum syn. Carum roxburghianum) for treating coughs, mules, and canker sores Gotu Kola (Cantella asiatica Urban) to treat thrush and is able to eradicate bacteria
  • Blustru (Luffa cylindrice Roem), cat whiskers (Orthosiphon stamineus Benth), and
  • Mulberry (Morus indica Rumph) which is a diuretic (increases urine production) for the treatment of hypertension
  • Betel (Chavica betle L.) to treat cough and function as an antiseptic (kills harmful microorganisms), and mouthwash
  • Randu (Ceiba pentandra Gaerth) as a medicine for diarrhea and mouthwash
  • Greetings (Eugenia polyantha Wight) which are bacteria-killing properties
  • Guava (Psidium guajava L.) treats diarrhea

The factor of increasing the use of medicinal plants

The increasing trend in the use of traditional medicines is based on several factors, namely:

In general, factory-made medicines are very expensive, so people are looking for cheaper alternative treatments. The side effects caused by traditional medicines are very small compared to factory-made drugs. The chemical elements contained in traditional medicine are actually the basis of modern medical medicine. This means that the manufacture of factory medicines uses a chemical formula that has been synthesized from the natural ingredients of traditional ingredients. Medicinal plant care Plants maintained in the yard of the house do not require special care, either as a spice or medicinal ingredients. Special treatment in the cultivation of medicinal plants is carried out on a business scale, with the aim of obtaining the optimum quality and quantity of results. Fertilization activities and control of plant pests need to be carried out. This activity is closely related to the use of chemicals contained in fertilizers or pesticides. The use of chemicals can pollute the environment, both soil and water, and the most dangerous residue will accumulate in the resulting plant products. For this reason, it is necessary to introduce a cultivation system that does not depend on chemicals. This system is known as organic farming. In cultivating medicinal plants, organic fertilizers can be used to add mineral nutrients needed by plants. The organic fertilizers used include manure, bokhasi, compost, humus, kitchen waste, and leaf litter. In addition, as a control material for plant disease pests, natural pesticides can be used around the house, such as babadotan (Ageratum conyzoides), soursop, lantana, and tobacco leaves source

This is my work today regarding some herbal plants that are very useful in traditional medicine in our daily lives, I hope friends can enjoy them @rezalhok

Thanks You
