¿Sería cristiano nuevamente? Reflexión de un agnóstico || Would I be a Christian again? Reflection of an agnostic

En alguna ocasión me preguntaron:


"Volverías a ser cristianismo"

Mi respuesta es: no.

Y es que cuando uno da el paso de la fe a la razón, de la religión a la no religión. Del pensamiento cautivo al libre pensamiento, no hay marcha atrás. Es casi imposible que uno retroceda. Y si alquilen regresa a la religión lo hará por una necesidad de seguridad, perdón, amor y paz que no es capaz de encontrar en sí mismo o en otras personas y en la vida misma y que cree que solo es adquirible y alcanzable en algo sobrenatural llámese Dios, espíritu, o extraterrestre. Quién dice encontrar plenitud en dios no sabe vivir esta vida.

Señores, ya lo he dicho antes. hay vida y mucha vida después o fuera de dios o seres supuestamente sobrenaturales. Solo falta voluntad, decisión y mucha fuerza para hacerse uno mismo cargo de su propia vida y no usar muletas espirituales o mentales. El creyente o religioso muchas veces lo es por interés, por miedo, por tradición.

🔶 Interés: a una mejor vida presente y futura Vive y actua esperando una recompensa o un premio.
🔶 Por miedo: no sabe como enfrentar la vida, sus miedos, su culpa, sus inseguridades, su incompetencia, sus tristezas o dolores y necesita una muleta, un abogado, un protector, un consolador, un absolvedor.
🔶 Por tradición: nació en una sociedad o familia cristiana o religiosa y nunca se cuestionó lo que cree y su vida se condicionó a esa creencia limitándose a vivir allí sin explorar mas allá de su paradigma.

Claro está, no todo cristiano o creyente en algún "dios" lo es por las razones que mencioné arriba, los hay muchos sinceros y conscientes de su creencia. Pero una gran mayoría ni se ha puesto a pensar porqué cree lo que cree.

En fin.

¿Volvería al cristianismo? No. Ni al teísmo. Estoy perfectamente bien así como estoy. Y no soy ni mas ni menos, ni peor ni mejor persona. Simplemente soy.

Gary Samuel Bilbao.
Creyente, cristiano, adventista, religioso, por 29 años.
Hoy Exreligioso, Librepensador, Agnóstico desde hace 7 años.


I was once asked:


"Would you go back to being a Christian ".

My answer is: no.

And it is that when one takes the step from faith to reason, from religion to non-religion. From captive thought to free thought, there is no going back. It is almost impossible to go back. And if you go back to religion, you will do it out of a need for security, forgiveness, love and peace that you are not able to find in yourself or in other people and in life itself and that you believe is only attainable and attainable in something supernatural, be it God, spirit or extraterrestrial. Whoever claims to find fulfillment in God does not know how to live this life.

Gentlemen, I have already said it before. there is life and much life after or outside of god or supposedly supernatural beings. We only need will, decision and a lot of strength to take charge of our own life and not use spiritual or mental crutches. The believer or religious person is often so out of interest, out of fear, out of tradition.

🔶 Interest: to a better present and future life Lives and acts expecting a reward or a prize.
🔶 Out of fear: does not know how to face life, his fears, his guilt, his insecurities, his incompetence, his sadness or pain and needs a crutch, an advocate, a protector, a comforter, an absolver.
🔶 By tradition: he was born in a Christian or religious society or family and never questioned what he believes and his life was conditioned to that belief limiting himself to live there without exploring beyond his paradigm.

Of course, not every Christian or believer in some "god" is for the reasons I mentioned above, there are many sincere and conscious of their belief. But a great majority of them have not even thought about why they believe what they believe.


Would I go back to Christianity? No. Nor to theism. I am perfectly fine as I am. And I am no more or less, no worse or better person. I am simply.

Gary Samuel Bilbao
Believer, Christian, Adventist, religious, for 29 years.
Today Ex-religious, Freethinker, Agnostic for 7 years.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)


First of all I want to thank you for doing the translation in English. I was kind of raised going to churches cuz my grandparents did or at least one of them did and they were the closest to us. I realize it took me away from learning about the world that you came to myself about things of life and that's when I turned away 100%. Plus if you go back in history it isn't all that good it is weird that archaeological stuff is what got me to completely stop believing 100% never get it writing or saying what I think but I know that it's not good thing to even be religious to tell you the truth. No matter what kind of religion it is
