Acurewa's Air Monkey Lab Knowledge edition // Laboratorio del mono de aire Acurewa edición del conocimiento

Authored by @acurewa


So, this edition is about knowledge. See, my journey here on hive has been one of learning. And from that journey comes this set of articles today.
From learning about DeFi (descentralized finances) with the creation of the wHIVE token on the ethereum blockchain, NFT (non-fungible tokens) and splinterlands cards, virtual cities that generate profits, the warrioir spirit mentality on games today we have a very interesting array of knowledge.
Let's see what's in the lab!


Entonces, esta edición es sobre conocimiento. Mi recorrido aca en Hive ha sido de aprendizaje y de ese recorrido sale este conjunto de artículos el día de hoy.
De aprender sobre DeFi (finanzas descentralizadas) con l creación de token wHIVE en la blockchain de ethereum, NFT (tokens no intercambiables) y las cartas de splinterlands, ciudades virtuales que generan ganancias y el espíritu guerrero en los juegos, nos encontramos con una amplia variedad de conocimientos interesantes.
¡Veamos que hay en el laboratorio!


So, whats this "Acurewa's Air Monkey Lab" curation column about you might ask?

First and foremost I'll be scouting HIVE for good content about psychedelics and their therapeutic uses. Including the city drugs and the ancient plant medicine of the indigenous people. Because this Monkey is very curious about the functioning of the mind and the psychedelic dimensions.

Second, we'll take a look at Do It Yourself projects; planting our own gardens, building our own tools and houses and preparing our own medicine. With the occasional delicious recipes for good food. As all monkeys I have to create hands and I like to highlight artisans that do amazing things with their minds and hands.

And third but not last there will be some content about technology, blockchain and video-games! Because we like to learn and play as all monkeys do!

Entonces, ¿qué es lo que esta columna de curación del "Laboratorio del Mono de Aire Acurewa" podría estar buscando?

En primer lugar, buscaré en HIVE buen contenido sobre psicodélicos y sus usos terapéuticos. Incluyendo las drogas de la ciudad y las antiguas plantas medicinales de los pueblos indígenas. Porque este mono es muy curioso sobre el funcionamiento de la mente y las dimensiones psicodélicas.

En segundo lugar, echaremos un vistazo a los proyectos de DIY / Hazlo tú mismo, construyendo nuestras propias herramientas en casa, revolucionando nuestra forma de vivir siendo auto-suficientes, siguiendo una linea de trabajo en permacultura. Como todos los monos tengo que crear con mis manos y me gustaria destacar a los artesanos que hacen cosas asombrosas con sus mentes y manos.

Y en tercer lugar, pero no menos importante, estare buscando algún contenido sobre la tecnología, la blockchain y los video juegos. Porque nos gusta aprender y jugar como todos los monos.


"But for the last few months I have been getting another benefit that I think is even more important than the monetary one I can get for the rewards on the platform, which refers to the knowledge I have acquired thanks to the articles I write, and which have currently made me earn a significant amount of money outside the platform."

"Pero desde hace pocos meses he conseguido otro beneficio que me ha parecido aún más importante que el monetario que puedo recibir por las recompensas en la plataforma, que se refiere al conocimiento que he adquirido gracias a los artículos que escribo, y que actualmente me han hecho ganar una cantidad importante de dinero por fuera de la plataforma."

Our friend @willsaldeno brings us a fresh and strategic introduction to a really interesting game that runs on the HIVE blockchain, and can be quite profitable for those who who play.

@willsaldeno en dCity- @willsaldeno in dCity

@willsaldeno´s city

Nuestro amigo @willsaldeno nos trae una introducción fresca a un juego muy ineresante que corre en la blockchain de HIVE, y puede ser bien productivo para sus jugadores.


Here is a detailed guide by @khaleelkazi of how to convert HIVE tokens into wHIVE tokens for use in the DeFi markets over the ethereum network. Detailed guide here.

On Cryptocurrency: Creating Wealth To Battle Wealth , we are introduced by @taskmaster4450 to the interesting idea that blockchain technology is creating wealth for its users and that wealth can be a tool to combat the deep problem of capital distribution in th e world.

"Of course, here is where the power is in the numbers. Not so much the financial numbers but people. There are only a handful of people who control the majority of the wealth. At the same time, they depend upon others for their wealth generation. This is key. If we could start to turn the wealth generate machine away from them towards ourselves, then we are talking a completely different ballgame."

On this amazing article The Warrior Spirit on Splinterlands our friend @marinaemmilia speaks to us about the correct mindset to have a victorious journey on Splinterlands. But the topic she speaks about can be extrapolated beyond that game.

"Since I was young, my chess teacher taught me that I should want to play against the best, because we learned a lot more from defeats than with the victories, on the other hand, you cannot just accept defeat, you must think that you can win."

So, this is it for this week! Thanks for reading and go support these nice content creators.

Entonces, ¡esto fue todo por hoy! Gracias por leer y vayan a apoyar a estos grandiosos autores.

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Your thumbnail is confusing. The Idiots at Splinterland aren't using REAL Dice in their game. They use DICE to represent CARDS. Morons.
