My Drawing Diary - Sun-26st-Jul | O meu Diário de Desenho - Dom-26-Jul




I'm publishing everyday pages of My Drawing Diary, that I didn't share till now.
I try to make at least one drawing every day.
I will also be doing some posts with the videos I make of the posts as @steemean,
Sorry people, sometimes I have no names for this drawings, I draw what I've seen somewhere, or things that come to my mind.
"Incredibox" is the software I use to make music at .
I hope you enjoy it.

Estou a publicar todos os dias, páginas do meu Diário de Desenho, que não partilhei até agora.
Eu tento fazer pelo menos um desenho todos os dias.
Farei algumas postagens com os vídeos que faço como @steemean
Desculpem pessoal, algumas não tenho nome para esses desenhos, eu desenho o que vi nalgum lado, ou coisas que me vêm à cabeça.
"Incredibox" é o software para fazer música em .
Espero que gostem.


I started on Steem with the name @steemean and on Hive I decided to use @kidz to moderate the Kidz Community for kids.
I have bew ideas to create more contests, and take care of the community for kids .

I'm six years old, and I would like to see more kids on Hive.
The Hive Kidz' community is dedicated to the children and to adults that want to show works made by kidz, or what they write about children.

Quando comecei no Steem, obtive o nome @steemean e, no Hive, decidi usar o @kidz para moderar a comunidade infantil Kidz Community.
Tenho novas idéias para fazer mais concursos e cuidar da comunidade para crianças

Tenho seis anos e gostaria de ver mais crianças no Hive.
A Comunidade Kidz do Hive é dedicada às crianças, e aos adultos que querem mostrar trabalhios feitos por crianças, ou o que escrevem sobre as crianças.



Faça parte da Comunidade Kidz em hive-118701 .

Made by kids and for kids.

Join the Kidz Community in hive-118701 .

Feita por crianças e para crianças.

The Rules

  • hive-118701 is a channel for kids.
  • Adults can post, crosspost and comment about stuff for kids.
  • Adults must learn with children. :)
  • Here adults follow and listen to children.
  • You can use the tag #kidz .
  • You can post in the English or Portuguese languages.

As Regras

  • hive-118701 , é um canal para crianças.
  • Os adultos podem postar, cruzar prublicação e comentar sobre coisas para crianças.
  • Os adultos devem aprender com as crianças. :)
  • Aqui, os adultos seguem e ouvem crianças.
  • Pode usar a tag #kidz.
  • Pode postar nos idiomas inglês ou português.

The Gaugan AI Contest on Hive | O concurso Gaugan no Hive



As @steemean, I'm doing the Nvidia Gaugan AI Contest on Hive.
Participate and discover the artist in you.

Jimbo the kid of Hive

I'm only six years old.
Please read this introduceyourself post in, Jimbo, The kid of Hive . Read also my Re-introduce myself as @kidz

Please, make a comment if you liked this post. :)

Como @steemean, estou a fazer o Concurso Nvidia Gaugan IA no Hive.
Participe e descubra o artista em si.
Jimbo, o puto da Hive

Eu tenho apenas seis anos
Por favor, leia esta introdução em .Jimbo, The kid of Hive . Leia também Re-introduce myself as @kidz

Por favor, faça um comentário se gostou. :)



Can you, please add significant personal thought/original content for the art that you publish.
It is recommended to have at least 50% of the post original. Otherwise it looks like the post is a daily spam-recycling of previous one with only image being replaced.
Also please provide the information about the hievian who is the author of this image (with kid's username on Hive).

If that art is being created by your kids, please mention that you use their art to monetize it on Hive.


I'm only a kid with seven years old now.
I do everything alone now and my father only helps with html5, that I'm learning.
I see a lot of post on Hive that only change the image.
I do all the animations, pictures, photos and movies.
And I know how to use Hive.
I'm the source of everything including the text.
Is it forbidden to be a child on Hive?
I don't care about the money just friends and people, but I love votes.
I can show a thousand posts on Hive that don't follow this rules..........



That's great. It seems that you are outstandingly skilled for 7 y/o who has just recently learnt how to read and write.
You are more skilled in creating posts here than than majority of adult hiveians.
In such case there should be no problem for you to create posts according yo our advise given.


I started reading when I was 4, and started to write at 5 years old, but only in Portuguese.
Today I use Google translate to read other languages, I reply in Portuguese and then put it in the original language.
My father just helps with all the errors of google translate.
Since I started on Hive I've been learning html 5
Now I read and write a bit in English.
I do all the operations and transactions in the blockchain, since I was 5 years old.
I have a few EOS and a bit of Bitcoin too.😊
I love the blockchain and Hive is special to me
I forgot to say that I'm @steemean too on Hive.
