the perfection of long bean blossoms



Long beans are classified as plants that have the perfect type of flower, meaning that the flowers have male and benthic genitals. Flowers appear in the axillary, compound, cylindrical stalks that reach 12cm in length.source



Long beans have the Latin name Vigna sinensis L, which is a family of nuts that are often cultivated because they have many benefits and properties. This plant is classified as a shrub, grows creeping up and can grow up to 2.5 m tall.

Also Read: How to Cultivate Long Bean Plants

According to researchers, this plant comes from Africa, but it is not certain that this plant was first domesticated. Long beans can be grown in all countries that have a tropical climate.

These plants will grow well in the lowlands or with a minimum requirement of 800 mdlp, because long beans can grow optimally at a temperature of 15-24 degrees Celsius.

There are two types of long bean plants which are grouped based on growth, the two types are vine type long beans and upright type long beans.

For the branch type, this plant can produce lanjanran to help its growth, while the upright type does not need to be lanjanran.

Generally, long beans that are often found have green pods, but recently it has been found that long beans with red pods. The red effect is produced by the anthocyanin content in it.

This plant is often referred to as a multipurpose plant, because in addition to producing highly nutritious food, it can also produce nitrogen elements so that it is useful as a natural soil fertilizer.

Apart from being consumed as a food ingredient and fresh vegetables, it turns out that long beans also have medicinal properties, for example anticancer, breast cancer, leukemia, urinary tract disorders, kidney stones and many others.

Classification of Long Bean Plants
These long bean plants can be classified as follows:

Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Spermatophyta
Class: Angiosperms
Subclasses: Dicotyledonae
Order: Rosales
Family: Laguminocecae
Genus: Vigna
Species: Vigna sinensis L.source
