Gayo - The plateau from coffee to its millionth charm


Welcome back to my blog This time I will write a little about a very phenomenal tourist area in a province of Aceh. Hopefully friends can take advantage and maybe after reading my blog this area will become your next tourist destination.


Gayo, is the name for the highland area. The name is owned by two districts, namely Bener Meriah and Takengon. both of them used to be one regency, only after division, now they split into two districts. These two districts are both located in the highlands and the people there come from the Gayo tribe, one of the tribes in Aceh province. So that the forerunner to the name Gayo for the area came from the tribe of the community. This place is very well known not only for its coffee which has been recognized by the world, namely "Gayo Coffee". But there are also many other tourism potentials on offer in this highland. So it is not surprising that many local and foreign tourists visit this area.


This area is already very well known in the international arena, especially in Indonesia, even in the international arena. Many of the artists and government figures who spend their holidays in this highland. It's not just the cool weather that can make us comfortable here, starting from the friendly people, fresh sea laut tawar, horse racing events, fruit garden tours to Mount Merapi tours which are deliberately opened for climbing routes. Everything I have mentioned is of course not finished yet from the list of other tours, there are many other tours that I may not be able to convey because there are too many. Oh yeah, I forgot that this area also offers folk legend tours that can be enjoyed by tourists whose potential is not inferior to other tourist areas. And here is no less interesting with natural attractions that are still very natural and clean. In fact, this area is also often called the land above the clouds because in the morning we can feel as if we are on the cloud covered in white fog, making the eyes will be amazed by its beauty.



For the matter of facilities offered to visitors in this area are very adequate. Starting from a quite comfortable inn plus an affordable price and a very traditional halfway house that is deliberately rented out for tourists. In fact, we can also choose the right lodging on the edge of a fresh sea lake that you can imagine how the scenery it offers. Maybe this choice is perfect for us to rest after being satisfied to enjoy its natural beauty. For the matter of transportation, there are many ways to get to this area, starting from land and air, which can be reached to get here. Because there is also an airport here that serves flight routes every week, maybe this could be your transportation choice. In fact, many tour packages are complete with transportation provided by the committee so you don't have to bother thinking about transportation. Anyway, what I can say is that this place is highly recommended for those of us who like to take a walk to enjoy the beauty of nature and learn the cultural customs of an area, you are not mistaken if you choose Gayo as your main destination for visiting. Oh yes, one more thing, if you visit here, don't forget to bring body warming clothes because the temperature in the highlands is quite cold for those of you who are not used to the cool temperatures. Come on, what are you waiting for, enjoy your vacation with your family and relatives in this Gayo land. Feel the millionth charm with your own sensation.



Best regards from us in the Gayo Highlands. A coffee area with a million inspiration.

