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«Hay quien cruza el bosque y sólo ve leña para el fuego.»

«There are those who cross the forest and only see wood for the fire.»

— Leon Tolstoi




      Él estaba llorando. Él estaba rezando, pero lentamente su fe se desvaneció con su muerte. Profería blasfemias de ira en bandadas conjugando letanías a Lucifer. Nadie tuvo compasión de su miserable suerte.

      La primera vez que enviudó Raúl, había caído en una dicotomía. La tristeza y la tranquilidad entraron en combate por su mente siendo la segunda victoriosa. El día del entierro Raúl conoció a Tomás, primo lejano de su fallecida cónyuge.

      Experimentaron una íntima amistad; tan congénita, que transitó hacia el amor más puro que dos hombres pudieron experimentar. Decidieron finalmente compartir sus vidas pero, las cosas no marcharon tan bien.

      Las protestas familiares. La intolerancia. La falta de respeto y, la agresividad, de varios grupos que se alzaban rápidamente contra personas de su estilo de vida.

      Una mañana Tomás salió a realizar las compras siguiendo la rutina matutina. De repente, en medio de la calle, ocurrió una redada. Lo sacaron de su auto y en banda lo golpearon hasta morir. Raúl quedó devastado. Dicho dolor fue peor que el anterior.

      Lo encontré sollozando frente a una gran capilla. Suplicando a celestiales ángeles fenecidos. Quise ayudarle pero ya era tarde. Solo me quedó darle mi más sentido pésame.



      He was crying. He was praying, but slowly his faith faded with his death. He was blaspheming in anger in flocks by conjuring up litanies to Lucifer. No one had compassion on his miserable fate.

      The first time Raul was widowed, he had fallen into a dichotomy. Sadness and quietness entered the fight for his mind being the second victorious one. On the day of the burial, Raul met Thomas, a distant cousin of his deceased spouse.

      They experienced an intimate friendship; so congenital, that he went toward the purest love that two men could experience. They finally decided to share their lives but, things did not go so well.

      The family protests. The intolerance. The lack of respect and, the aggressiveness, of several groups that were rapidly rising against people of their lifestyle.

      One morning Tomás went out to do his shopping following the morning routine. Suddenly, in the middle of the street, a raid took place. He was taken out of his car and beaten to death. Raul was devastated. The pain was worse than the previous one.

      I found him sobbing in front of a large chapel. Begging to heavenly deceased angels. I wanted to help him but it was too late. All that remained was to give him my condolences.

Escrito por @universoperdido. Martes, 6 de octubre del 2020

Written by @universoperdido. Tuesday, October 6, 2020


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