Day 03 - ¨Destiny is for losers¨ [ENG-ESP]




30 days blog challenge
03- My favorite quote

¨Destiny is for losers. It´s just a stupid excuse to wait for things to happen instead of making them happen.¨ -Blair Waldorf

This is a phrase i heard in one of the series i've seen called ¨Gossip Girl¨ (and before you say it's a gossip series and drama, yes it is, but i got some lessons out of it) one of the main characters says this and the truth is that it's been stuck in my head ever since.

But let's define a little bit what destiny is:

It is known as destiny the supernatural force that acts on human beings and the events they face throughout their lives. Fate would be an inevitable succession of events from which no person can escape.

The existence of destiny supposes that nothing happens by chance but that everything has a predestined cause, that is, events do not arise from nothing but from this unknown force.


I personally fool myself with this - she laughs - I like to believe in fate when it suits me, and only on the occasions that it deserves to be used.

I like to think that out there in the world there is a person who is destined to meet me and make a family with me (although this may have been instilled in me by Disney with all that Prince Charming, i still haven't been able to get this out of my head 100%, i guess my innocent side won't let me), i also like to think that when a person dies, they die because it was their destiny and because their purpose in this world has been fulfilled... this generates a certain peace in me as i see many of the deaths at an early age and sometimes feel that they were unfair.

But most of the time i force myself to think that destiny does not exist, that we have to do things ourselves to make them happen and that those who do not get what they want are because they have not worked hard enough to get it.

30 días desafío para blog
03- Mi frase favorita

¨El destino es para los perdedores. Es una excusa estúpida para esperar que las cosas sucedan en lugar de hacerlas suceder.¨ -Blair Waldorf

Esta es una frase que escuché en una de las series que he visto llamada Gossip Girl (y antes que digas que es una serie de chisme, si lo es, pero le saqué algunas enseñanzas) una de las protagonistas dice esto y la verdad es que se me plasmó en la cabeza desde entonces.

Pero vamos a definir un poco lo que es el destino:

Se conoce como destino la fuerza sobrenatural que actúa sobre los seres humanos y los sucesos que éstos enfrentan a lo largo de su vida. El destino sería una sucesión inevitable de acontecimientos de la que ninguna persona puede escapar.

La existencia del destino supone que nada ocurre por azar sino que todo tiene una causa ya predestinada, es decir, los acontecimientos no surgen de la nada sino de esta fuerza desconocida.


Yo personalmente me engaño a mi misma con esto - ella se ríe - me gusta creer en el destino cuando me conviene.

Me gusta pensar que por ahí en el mundo existe una persona que está destinada a encontrarme y a formar una familia conmigo (aunque esto posiblemente me lo haya inculcado Disney con todo eso del príncipe azul), también me gusta pensar que cuando una persona muere, murió porque le tocaba, porque era su destino y porque ya el propósito de su vida en este mundo se cumplió... esto me genera cierta paz al ver muchas de las muertes a temprana edad y que a veces siento que fueron injustas.

Pero la mayoría de las veces me obligo a pensar que el destino no existe, que las cosas las tenemos que hacer nosotros mismos para que ocurran y que quien no consigue lo que quiere es porque no ha trabajado lo suficiente para conseguirlo.


¨Better to say sorry than to ask for permission¨. This phrase always drives me a lot also with this topic, because many times we stop, and we don't dare to take the first step towards our dreams, towards our love, towards what we want... and i like to think that i try better, i take risks and if it goes wrong for me, then nothing, i just apologize... Who does not take risks does not win or lose. And believe me it is very pleasant to see how our dreams come true because we dared and work for it.

Money doesn't come just because yes, nobody has a money tree in their house, nothing is easy in this life, what comes easy goes easy, we have to fight for our dreams, don't wait for things to happen, don't be afraid of the future, the path is not born but built, and remember **¨Destiny is for perdedores¨.

P.S. If someone has a money tree in his house, please give me one of the little seeds to sow one too.

¨Mejor pedir perdón que pedir permiso¨. Esta frase siempre me impulsa mucho también con este tema, porque muchas veces nos detenemos, y no nos atrevemos a dar el primer paso hacia nuestros sueños, hacia nuestro amor, hacia lo que queremos... y me gusta pensar que mejor lo intento, me arriesgo y si me sale mal pues nada, pido disculpas... El que no se arriesga no gana ni pierde. Y créeme que es muy placentero ver como nuestros sueños se cumplen porque nos atrevimos.

El dinero no llega porque sí, nadie tiene un árbol de dinero en su casa, nada es fácil en esta vida, lo que fácil viene fácil se va, hay que luchar por nuestros sueños, no esperes que las cosas pasen, no tengas miedo del futuro, el camino no nace se construye, y recuerda **¨El destino es para perdedores¨.

PD: Si alguien tiene un árbol de dinero en su casa, porfavor deme una de las semillitas para sembrar una también.


This is my entry for the 30 Day Blog Challenge, initiated by @cwow2, and recommended by my friend @starstrings01, if you want to participate just take the following image and start writing your posts.

Este es mi entrada para el 30 Day Blog Challenge, iniciada por @cwow2, y me la recomendó mi amigo @starstrings01, si quieres participar solo tienes que tomar la siguiente imagen y comenzar a escribir tus post.


I edited it a bit to my taste, but here is the original: link.

Thanks for visiting my blog, have a nice day!
Hope to see you again soon!

La edite un poco a mi gusto, pero aquí va la original: link.

¡Gracias por visitar mi blog, que pases un buen día!
¡Ojala te vuelva a ver pronto!


Past links of the challenge:

Day 01: My blog name
Day 02: 20 facts about me


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Wow very interesting. I feel like taking a second read. Then make my real comment


hahaha as many times you like!


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Do not miss the last post from @hivebuzz:

Update for regular authors

¨Destiny is for losers. It´s just a stupid excuse to wait for things to happen instead of making them happen.

I would like to think that our destiny lies in our own hands. The future is unknown so we have the right to choose our destiny with our own hands with our actions.

Don't worry, I hope the right man comes at the right time for you.

¨Better to say sorry than to ask for permission¨.

I love this quote. Most times when I try attempt something and I am not sure my parents will put a hand in it, I just do it without their permission and say sorry later if everything goes south.

Yeah, what comes easy do goes easy. That's why I say hive can't go easy because earning rewards here is not as easy as some say it is.


Thank you for taking the time to reply!!

Don't worry, I hope the right man comes at the right time for you.

Thank youu that sometimes really conserns me.

And you are rigth i hadn´t seen hive from that perspective! Now i do.


Realmente inspirador... Me gustó como demostraste el valor que le tienes a tus frase favorita. Saludos!


Me alegro mucho que te haya gustado!! Gracias por el reblog!! Que tengas unnindo dia
