Formación caprichosa de tierra/Whimsical land formation

Realmente veo todo lo que sucede en mi vida como un aprendizaje, muchas veces vivimos situaciones que no son muy agradable, sin embargo desde que entre en este mundo de la fotografía he disfrutado mucho. Eso me reconforta ante tantas cosas que suceden en Venezuela y yo no estoy exenta de ello. Ayer me toco salir a buscar agua fuera de mi casa, ya que tenemos dos semanas sin el preciado líquido, y la reserva que teníamos en casa se había agotado, cuando estaba en el lugar donde íbamos a llenar los bidones de agua, observe que había este cerro con una formación hermosa, extraña para mí. Estas eran unas montañas que habían alrededor de un supermercado, y las fueron derrumbando para construir edificios, a mi parecer ellas tenían allí muchísimos años para tener esa forma. Me encanto haber tomado estas fotografías.

I really see everything that happens in my life as learning, many times we live situations that are not very pleasant, however since I entered this world of photography I have enjoyed a lot. That comforts me before so many things that happen in Venezuela and I am not exempt from it. Yesterday I had to go outside my house to look for water, since we have two weeks without the precious liquid, and the reserve we had at home had been exhausted, when I was in the place where we were going to fill the water cans, I noticed that there was this hill with a beautiful formation, strange to me. These were mountains that were around a supermarket, and they were demolished to build buildings, in my opinion they had many years there to have that shape. I loved taking these pictures.

Be sure to click on the image to view full screen!
Settings: ISO-50, F/2/TV 1/879

Be sure to click on the image to view full screen!
Settings: ISO-50, F/2/TV 1/733

Be sure to click on the image to view full screen!
Settings: ISO-50, F/2/TV 1/826

Be sure to click on the image to view full screen!
Settings: ISO-50, F/2/TV 1/826

Thanks for viewing and reading my

Camera: Blu G6
Location: Venezuela
by: @mirla33
