[ESP/ENG] Día #9 - Mis Piernas : 30 Dias de Agradecimiento || : Day 9 - My Legs :30 Days of Gratefulness.


Mis Piernas

My Legs

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La creación divina es perfecta , los seres humanos podemos movernos de un lugar a otro con nuestras PIERNAS, esta maravillosa ejecución motora ordenada por nuestro cerebro , nos permite caminar, trotar y correr , esta armonía perfecta, nos diferencia de los animales por nuestra capacidad de pensar, razonar , amar , recorremos los caminos hacia el amor y la felicidad.
The divine creation is perfect, human beings can move from one place to another with our LEGS, this wonderful motor execution ordered by our brain, allows us to walk, jog and run, this perfect harmony differentiates us from animals by our ability to think, reason, love, we walk the roads to love and happiness.

Tenemos el privilegio del ser, soy un ser particular creado en este universo por muchos procesos afirmo dando gracias a Dios.
We have the privilege of being, I am a particular being created in this universe by many processes, I affirm, thanking God.
Soy un ser especial que camina en este planeta y puedo hacer mi propia vida puedo elegir !. ¿Qué hare hoy? ¿iré caminando a pies o puedo irme en un medio de transporte?¿Que puedo hacer que nadie puede hacer por mi?.


I am a special being that walks on this planet and I can make my own life I can choose! What will i do today Will I walk on foot or can I go by means of transport? What can I do that no one can do for me?.
Tuve una amiga un ángel en la tierra hoy está en los cielos , fue un ser aleccionador para mi vida y de muchos que disfrutaron su compañía, nació con problemas congénitos espina bífida, cráneo hidrocefalico , ella vivió 30 años nunca pudo caminar , sus piernas no se desarrollaron y a pesar que sus hermanos si podían caminar, correr y jugar , ella nunca se quejo de su aflicción, irradiaba felicidad, amor al prójimo ella no hacia distinción de las conductas de personas aunque fuesen personas arrogantes de igual formas les expresaba diciéndoles ¡¡Sabes quien pensó en ti YO ¡Sabes quién te quiere YO , esas personas nos da lección de vida nos motivan a valorar lo que tenemos y dar gracias siempre.
I had a friend an angel on earth today is in heaven, he was a sobering being for my life and of many who enjoyed his company, she was born with congenital problems spina bifida, hydrocephalus skull, she She lived 30 years she could never walk, her legs did not develop and even though her brothers could walk, run and play, she never complained about her affliction, she radiates happiness, love of neighbor, she does not distinguish the behavior of people even if they were arrogant people in the same way expressed them by saying you know who thought of you ME! You know who I love you, these people give us a life lesson and motivate us to value what we have and always give thanks.

Agradezco la sanidad de mis piernas y doy gracias poder caminar, trotar correr, jugar, saltar, bailar arrodillarme, ir al trabajo, hacer deportes, puedo tener movimientos en mis piernas eso me permite ir donde quiero ir, cuando camino o corro esa actividad me libera de problemas, me relaja elimina el estrés mejora mi salud física, mental y emocional , no tengo impedimentos en mis piernas oh mi Dios.
Appreciate the health of my legs and I give thanks to be able to walk, jog, run, play, jump, dance, kneel, go to work, do sports, I can have movements in my legs that allow me to go where I want to go, when I walk or run that activity frees me from problems, relaxes me eliminates stress improves my physical, mental and emotional health, I have no impediments in my legs oh my God.

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Cuando me he sentido enferma de mis piernas, elimino todo ese pensamiento negativo de enfermedad, me siento tranquila ,cierro los ojos y respiro exhalo , visualizo en mi mente caminando en un paisaje maravilloso bien sea de paseo en la ciudad, en la orilla de la playa o en un campo lleno de flores atraigo la energía sanadora y repito !Soy sana mis piernas funcionan bien !.
When I have felt sick in my legs, I eliminate all that negative thought of illness, I feel calm, I close my eyes and breathe I exhale, I visualize in my mind walking in a wonderful landscape either walk in the city, on the shore of the beach or in a field full of flowers I attract the healing energy and repeat! I am healthy my legs work well!.

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Imagen editada

Separador @eve66.

Separator @eve66.

Agradecida por tu Atención..

Grateful for your Attention...

Este post forma parte de la iniciativa "Reto 30 Días de Agradecimiento" de @vaneaventuras.pulse aqui

This post form part of the initiative "30 Days Gratitude Challenge" of @vaneaventuras click here



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Agradecer es la clave para vivir una vida plena, que buen ejercicio de escritura diaria basado en el agradecimiento :)
¡Gracias por compartir tu historia!


Saludos, gracias por tu valoración y apreciación todos tenemos una historia que compartir , a veces compartirla nos libera y otras veces nos produce felicidad un abrazo.


I love the part about your friend with spina bifida. How lucky you were to know her, and see that joy is always within reach.


Your friend is a wonderful example of what grateful looks like. The life lesson was not lost on you!

Thank you for your words.


If she was a special being, I remember her fondly, it was a blessing to be her friend, thanks a hug@dswigle.


There are so many things we take for granted just thinking it will always be so.

Something like legs wasn't taken for granted by that friend of yours at all. And it's good to see things from another person's perspective who might not have the same blessings we do.

Concentrating on any blessing, no matter how trivial it may seem, builds mindfulness. And gratitude builds joy. 😁


Thank you all for your appreciation, certainly gratitude is a thought that is internalized and gives light to our soul, a hug from Venezuela, blessed are your good advice and wishes.


Got to be thankful for our legs, and every other part. They really do get me to where I need to be and I sometimes take them for granted. Have a great weekend!!


Thank you if certainly the gratitude is integral only that the challenge in each is following a sequence of each part of our body, a hug.
