Memories of the yesterday // Memorias del ayer

This is my entry for qurator's photo quest with the ICM Photography theme
(Intentional Camera Movement Photography)

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Esta es mi entrada para el reto fotografico de qurator con el tema ICM fotografia (Movimiento de camara intencional)

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I am a photography fan, thanks to hive I have done even more and with the help of these challenges I have learned a lot, I am passionate about investigating, observing and practicing the photographic styles that exist, although I am somewhat limited because I do everything only with my mobile phone, but always, I look for a way to recreate the theme that is in progress, or I look in my gallery for shots that I have taken without knowing with these effects.

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Soy una aficionada a la fotografía, que gracias a hive me he hecho aun más y con la ayuda de estos retos he aprendido mucho, me apasiona investigar, observar y practicar los estilos fotograficos que hay, aunque estoy algo limitada ya que todo lo hago unicamente con mi telefono movil, pero siempre, busco la manera de recrear el tema que este en curso, o bien busco en mi galeria tomas que sin saber he tomado con dichos efectos.

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Although I must confess that I always have some doubts as to whether what I am presenting is right or not, at the end of the day I have fun, I am entertained and I learn, that is the important thing.

I applied this technique without knowing it, that is, by "mistake" (according to me) since, due to poor focus due to light or the zoom not being applied well, some shots like this came out, so I dusted off some photography to be able to participate in this week's challenge.

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Aunque debo confesar que siempre me quedan algunas dudas de si lo que estoy presentando esta bien o no, al final de cuenta me divierto, me entretengo y aprendo, eso es lo importante.
Yo apliqué esta tecnica sin conocerla es decir por "error"(segun yo) ya que, por cuestiones de un mal enfoque debido a la luz o que el zoom no se aplicó bien salieron algunas tomas así, asi que desempolvé algunas tomas para poder participar en el reto de esta semana.

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This photographic effect is very striking and interesting, and in reality it is not complicated to recreate, you can create it taking into account some parameters to follow with your camera.
It can also be created using different editing programs, always taking care of the normal resolution of the photograph.

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Este efecto fotografico es muy llamativo y vistoso, y en realidad no es complicado de recrear, lo puedes crear teniendo en cuenta algunos parametros a seguir con tu camara fotografica.
Tambien se puede crear mediante diferentes programas de edicion, siempre cuidando la resolucion normal de la fotografia.

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Densifying Nature Appreciation (DNA)


