My little superficial Dream Fulfilled

I have long dreamed of having a Water Hose; and now, I have also bought my long-held dream. It can be considered superficial happiness, but for me, it is a great thing to have it. Especially now, I have crops to take care of.

Not everyone can afford something like this, especially if you have a low budget. I was just lucky and it was very cheap at 28 Dirham or 7.62 US Dollars. However, I can not remove the regret, to think that, better to buy food than this Flexible hose?

Honestly, before I bought it, I prayed first and thought carefully about whether it was right for me to buy it and if I could use it often? Because if it is not used often and if there is another way to water the plant, it is better not to buy it.

This Water Hose can also be used to clean passages, walls, and vehicles. Honestly, I have been using it for three days and it is really fun to use it because it has six different types of holes. And that's why it is called "Magic Hose", because of the shortening of this Hose, when water flows into it, it extends more than 100 meters.

The six holes in the Water Hose are called Mist, Jet, Full, Shower, Flat, and Center. And what I use in these six holes in the Hose is the "Shower" which is for the plant and I also use it to sprinkle the sands around where we live.

Flat and Center Spray

Flat Spray only emits water around the spray hose circle. The Center Spray, on the other hand, is just the water coming out of the center with four large holes around the center screw. To change it, you need to rotate it going to the right or left.

What I like about this spray is that it replaces the spray holder. All I have to take care of is the main host not to puncture it.

The Mist

This is not a movie! But there is a movie titled The Mist, (^_^). It is good to use it as a sprinkler for sensitive plants, as the water that comes out of it is thinner than the raindrops. And because the Spray Hose handle is plastic, I fear it will break or crack when it falls off.

There is Hose Handle available on the market that I can buy but it may not be compatible with the Blue Hose I have. Hopefully this handle will not break and will last longer as I use it.

Now the test of the Water Hose

I enjoy using it like a Water Gun and sometimes really "trigger happy". I am not too worried about using water when I water the plant. Because our water and electricity are fixed along with the rent of the house. Especially in this area in the middle east, a lot of water is needed to water the plant.

I think the Government already knows the use of water here. For everyone's information, only the Studio Flat or Villa has a fixed fee here in the UAE, and the Flats in the building are not the same as in the Villa of the rent. So I can say, it is expensive to live in a building especially if you have 2 bed rooms. You need to save on water and electricity if you do not want to pay a lot!

You will do everything just to save money. But my prayer and supplication to the Lord was just enough only for our daily lives.


Está chévere tu regadera 😃


Gracias ... Soy solo una persona sencilla con Sueño superficial. (^_^)
