Adiwaju! on Caturday, his healing and growth | Sabado de gatos

About two weeks ago we had a move and while waiting to leave we found a kitten in bad condition, with a hole in its neck and we, although we are nomads, now in the company of this kitten we keep each other company

the first week of recovery was wonderful and you can read more about it here

Hace unas dos semanas tuvimos una mudanza y mientras esperabamos por irnos nos encontramos con una gatita en mal estado, con un hueco en su cuello y nosotros, aunque estamos de nómadas, decidimos adoptar a esta gatita y de este modo unirla a nuestro grupo para hacernos compañía.

la primera semana de recuperación fue maravillosa y puedes leer más de ella aquí


The following days have consisted of feeding her and giving her attention, the truth is that she doesn't leave us, she is a very affectionate cat, and she has a lot of confidence in us; At night, which is the "day of the cats", we have to get her out of bed countless times until tiredness overcomes us and we find her curled up near one of us when we wake up.

los siguientes días han consistido en alimentarla y darle atención, la verdad es que no se despega de nosotros, es una gata muy cariñosa, y nos tiene mucha confianza; En la noche, que es el "día de los gatos", debemos bajarla de la cama incontables veces hasta que el cansancio nos gana y la encontramos acurrucada cerca de alguno de los dos al despertar.


she tends to pull out her tongue when she sleeps (and she tends to sleep a lot)

A few days ago we noticed that Adiwaju was not peeing, this was quite strange, to the point that she wet our bed, which was strange in her because she was looking for sand from the moment she arrived, we were reading for hours on the internet and we could conclude that she was under stress because we had moved some things from place like her bed and ours.
If we want to learn rituals, cats are wise masters, having sacred daily acts to move from one side to the other and when they see their surroundings transformed they feel out of place.

After a few days we decided to put the furniture back where it was originally, because the air conditioning started to affect @auelitairene's health causing her a pneumonia, which gave us a big scare! although after a home treatment with curcuma, ginger and garlic, she has had an excellent recovery and surprise! the cat returned to her original state of mind...

Perhaps Adiwaju was warning us of all those energies that we had moved and that now affected us in the house, the truth is that I have dedicated myself to observe the cat and its capacity of communication simply makes me see how little I know about communication.

No doubt he can let us know what he needs with a meow and a look.

When it wants more food it looks for us in any part of the house and throws a "Meow" that announces a "Follow me" very different from its "Meow" of "I like to be caressed by my ears" definitely each "Meow" has its energy

Without a doubt there is a synergy of love between the cat and us, I had never seen a cat with so much confidence towards humans, its devotion to being carried and how attached it is to us, especially to @auelitairene since that first moment, when on the day of the move she climbed on her legs and went to sleep.

Hace unos días nos percatamos de que Adiwaju no estaba haciendo pipí, to estaba bastante raro, hasta el punto en el que se orino en la cama, lo que era extraño en ella porque busco arena desde el momento en el que llego, estuvimos leyendo por horas en internet y pudimos llegar a la conclusión de que presentaba estress debido a que habíamos movido algunas cosas de lugar como su cama y la de nosotros.

Si queremos aprender rituales los gatos son sabios maestros, teniendo actos cotidianos sagrados para desplazarse de un lado al otro y que al verse transformados sus entornos se sienten fuera de lugar.

Luego de unos días decidimos poner los muebles en el lugar donde estaban originalmente, porque el aire acondicionado empezó a afectar la salud de @auelitairene causándole una neumonia, que nos dió un gran susto! aunque luego de un tratamiento en casa con curcuma, jengibre y ajo, ha tenido una excelente recuperación y ¡sorpresa! el gato volvió a su estado de ánimo original...

Quizás Adiwaju nos estaba advirtiendo de todas esas energías que habiamos movido y que ahora nos afectaban en la casa, la verdad es que me he dedicado a observar al gato y su capacidad de comunicación simplemente me hace ver lo poco que sé de la comunicación.

Sin duda alguna puede hacernos saber que necesita con un maullido y una mirada.

Cuando quiere más comida nos busca en cualquier parte de la casa y nos lanza un "Miau" que anuncia un "Sígueme" muy distinto de su "miau" de "me gusta que me acaricien las orejas" definitivamente cada "miau" tiene su energía

Sin duda hay una sinergía de amor entre el gato y nosotros, nunca habia visto a un gato con tanta confianza hacia los humanos, su entrega al ser cargada y lo apegada que es a nosotros, especialmente a @auelitairene desde ese primer momento, cuando el día de la mudanza se subió a sus piernas y se echó a dormir.


When irene works Adiwaju finds the best place to sit on

Her recovery is going so well that we have had to reduce her diet a little bit because she eats more than a "new file" and her wound is 95% better! And she is already growing some hair!

The wound is almost closed and the next step is to get her a bag/cat house, where she can travel with us, as well as sterilize her

Su recuperación va tan excelente que hemos tenido que reducir su alimentación un poco pues come más que una "lima nueva" y su herida está un 95% mejor! y además ya la le está creciendo algo de pelo!

La herida esta casi cerrada y el siguiente paso es conseguirle un bolso/casa de gato, donde pueda viajar con nosotros, así como también esterilizarla.


we're using Aloe Vera to treat her wound

Sabado de gatos are saturday post about Adiwaju, a cat we adopt from the streets of Caracas, Venezuela while we're living as nomads, we apreciatte your hive support for the Gatito and his needs, right now a sterilization and a travel box for her!


so happy she is making a good recovery!
I'm sending some Hive your way to help cover costs of sterilization and travel box.


beautiful @porters, far as I know we're moving soon and that would help us a lot because we're going to go to a place with 10 cats!!! crazy times I'm still digesting all haha, sending love and gratitude
