RE: It's Sunday 8th November 2020! Drop A Link To An Undervalued Post For Chance Of Resteem Upvote And Tweet (or Leave Me A Comment And I'll Check Out Your Blog)

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Well, as they say "there is a lot to unpack here." I don't even know where to begin! The Trump presidency ending is one of the biggest reliefs of my lifetime. But as Dave Chapelle said on SNL last night, we have to remember that nearly 50% of the U.S. population is sad and disappointed right now. It's my concern too. We can't have unity and something resembling what we call the "United States" when we are this divided.

People drank the Kool-aid. Trump dished out conspiracy theories, the ridiculous notion that Democrats are socialists, the negativity and desperate views of what an alternative to his regime would entail in terms of loss of rights and so much more. And they bought it. Undoing that damage is not going to be easy. I feel sad that we are in this place.

But on the lighter side - the tweet about the place between the dildo store and the crematorium is absolutely hilarious!

Anyway, you left the shop?? You just casually dropped mention of that in the middle of your post, like it's some small thing. But it seems to me it must be a really big thing! Are you okay? Not sad about this?

And finally, your dragon is adorable, and the pets are almost as cute. Kidding! They're all adorable.


Yes, I agree with your thoughts on Trump. There is going to be a hangover that will last for many years. Somehow the Democrats need to reach out and help the people who feel so desperate that they think that guy would help them (despite evidence to the contrary. Inequality breeds resentment and there are people who are so desperate to believe in something. I have a feeling the conspiracy theory side of the world is going to grow and grow. I don't know how we can deal with that.

I am a bit sad about the shop. I was putting in a lot of effort and not being appreciated and then there was just the last straw... We'll regroup and open a new shop in the spring, hopefully!

I visited your blog! Sorry to hear your hip/leg has been playing up. Hope everything is on the mend now.

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Thanks very much for the tweet,! Yes I have a hip issue and it’s not really going away so will have to look into the possibility that surgery is in my future.

I’m sorry to hear about the shop, but that sounds positive that you will work with some other artisans to open a shop in the spring.

I hope that with a level-headed president at the helm a lot of people will calm down. Having an abrasive, lying, divisive clown in office has done so much damage.
