New beginnings - a story

John sat quietly at the kitchen table drinking his coffee.  This might be his last cup of coffee for a while.  Everything was packed up and he was ready to start his new life. As ready as he could be. 

He took his last sip and started reminiscing about the wonderful days they all had in this house. He remembers the day he bought this house.  It was just before they got married.  He wanted to surprise Emily, and boy was she surprised.  He remembered when he carried her over the threshold into their new home and new life. 

They lived here for three years before Maria was born and then two years later Bobby came. Both kids grew up here but they moved out after college. Then for a while, it was just him and Emily again. His beautiful loving Emily. They were happy.    

Their happiness was taken away when that terrible disease came and he could see her wither away. He couldn't bear living here alone. 

He closed his eyes for a minute and remembered the smell of cinnamon that so frequently filled the house when Emily baked pancakes. He would always think of Emily when he smelled cinnamon. 

The kids begged him to come and stay with them after Emily was gone, but he didn't want to be a burden. They spoke about it frequently while Emily was still alive.  This house was not built for one person and whoever stayed behind, were to sell the house. That was their deal, and he was honoring their deal. He had good memories and that would be with him forever. 

The doorbell rang, and John quickly rinsed his cup before going to open the door.  It was the movers, and shortly after Bobby came to take him to his new home.  

"Are you sure about this dad? We have enough space for you at our house. You won't be a burden." 

John smiled.  "Of course I am sure. I will come and visit, but we need our own spaces, and eventually, I might become a burden. This is exactly how it is supposed to be."

John looked back as they drove away from his old life.  It was a time for new beginnings. 

