Woo-Hoo! It's 2021, and a Brand New Year! Now What?

Happy New Year to everyone in Hivelandia! Hope you have all celebrated and potentially recovered from your hangovers!

Recycling last year's image as there were no fireworks this year...

We had a pretty quiet time around here; basically did the whole "New Year's Thing" at 9:00pm with a Zoom call with our oldest son and grandkids back east when it was midnight, their time. Back here at our midnight, we briefly sat out on the back porch on a cold, rainy and very windy night and imagined we could see and hear some fireworks going off, somewhere.

We had a toast and congratulated ourselves of having made it through 2020!

At least it's clear enough we can see the mountains...

New Year's was never a "big deal" for me, but I have to admit that this time around I was really happy to see the end of 2020. There's something mildly hopeful about the turn of the calendar page, this time.

No, I don't have any big "resolutions" for the coming year. However, I have a few long term goals I am setting my intention towards reaching, through a very deliberate process of having a reasonable and achievable strategy. I know from many years of experience that setting too ambitious a goal merely results in failure, and then I end up feeling like a failure... and I can do without that.

Water droplets on a leaf...

Among other things, I'm going to try to revive my "jewelry supplies" business (basically "found objects" from the beach, remarketed as art), because it seems like the only thing that does moderately well these days is being in the business of purveying things people believe they can use to make money. They will spend money on things they can make money with, but they won't spend money on things that simply make their lives better.

It has always been tricky for me to find a balance in what I do "for a living" because I find myself philosophically on thin ice (and thus "unconvincing") if I try to market things as potentially amazing and awesome, when I have little to no interest in those things, myself. I can't sell things I don't personally use and believe in. In that sense, I'm for shit as a salesperson. I can NOT "sell ice cubes to eskimos" and would probably choose to go hungry before trying to profit from selling people stuff/services they have no use whatsoever for.

End of season wild rosehip

But now I'm skipping around rather randomly.

I seldom do much of "productive value" for the first week of a new year, because I'm busy "benchmarking" where I "am" with all my ongoing projects and businesses.

Some of the early numbers are in, and 2020 was — financially speaking — even worse than I thought, marked by the typical declining income and rising expenses in spades.

With a wry smile I found myself musing that the primary reason I haven't powered down my Hive and used it for living expenses is that IT has also lost so much value! I suppose the "good" news there is that I plan to continue just building my stake in the very LONG term. It would be of very little impact on our lives to cash out unless Hive suddenly went over $1.00 per token.

I think I'll end here and call it a day (or, at least, "a post"), because isn't this the time when we are all supposed to share our "sunny outlooks" for the next year?

I thought so...

Thanks for reading, and I hope your New Year's celebrations went well!

How about YOU? Did you have a celebration? Or was it more a "sit quietly at home" event? Are you glad 2021 is here? What are your plans/goals this year? Comments, feedback and other interaction is invited and welcomed! Because — after all — SOCIAL content is about interacting, right? Leave a comment — share your experiences — be part of the conversation!


Greetings bloggers and social content creators! This article was created via PeakD, a blogging application that's part of the Hive Social Content Experience. If you're a blogger, writer, poet, artist, vlogger, musician or other creative content wizard, come join us! Hive is a little "different" because it's not run by a "company;" it operates via the consensus of its users and your content can't be banned, censored, taken down or demonetized. And that COUNTS for something, in these uncertain times! So if you're ready for the next generation of social content where YOU retain ownership and control, come by and learn about Hive and make an account!


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(As usual, all text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is original content, created expressly and uniquely for this platform — NOT cross posted anywhere else!)
Created at 20210102 13:58 PST



I might have an idea.....Your far superior writing skills + your far superior knowledge of that 'internet, thingy' + and my creative idiocy...?

'I have plans Mr. Macilroy - big fucking plans...' (well 'not too big really', but that sentence - as a one liner - wouldn't really have the same impact, would it?)


"I have some pretty average plans?" That'll only sell to people whose entire lives have been nothing but shit plans...

Anyway, by all means... what do you have in mind?



...do you have an email...?

Actually... that doesn't matter...for now.

1)The main part being - I write and give you the content that I wanna put on my website (one that you'll be far better at doing than myself, no doubt - but i'm gonna use a freebie one for now).

  1. You make it 'properly readable', without losing 'my accent'.

  2. We make lots of money of people's donations.

  3. We retire on the proceeds, and then come and visit each other on a bi yearly basis.

