
image by my artist friend @doze

First this blog is about the challenge in this blog, maybe read that one firsts;


This morning by the pool on my holiday in beautiful Italy I read a blog by one of our great ralliers @jesusalejos. He was in discord server @votovzla and learned about a challenge (
https://peakd.com/hive-186377/@eugelys/challengeaccepted-sororidad-y-empoderamiento-en-un-reto ) directed especially to women, I was tagged by Jesus and i think the least I can do is to a blog about the women of HIVE to join in the fun.

So This is my appreciation blog for the females who make hive even more special , for me that is ......

Firstly because i think we have some amazing women and some great empowerment here on the platform. They have achieved a lot and some are really early adapters and appreciated friends nowadays. I even once promised here that i would try to book a try flying to 3 of them in real life. Still in my dreams but is for sure gonna happen. So i think these women. ( and I know I am going to forget a few but maybe i will do another blog with the nes I forgot today ) In advance thank you for all the work, words, stories, blogs, photographs and engagement on both former Steem and now HIVE. Its a lifestyle and a life purpose.

In @jesusalejos words from his blog : “ But this is also an opportunity to express my admiration and recognition to all the feminine gender that not only amaze us every day with their virtues and potentialities but, for example, with this challenge they give us a lesson in sorority, understanding this as the mutual support that these great warriors of life give each other before the different scenarios that life presents us.” Halleluja and thank you for noticing.

Just adding, @eugelys great that you did this challenge and sorry I didn’t see it sooner, but it was in spanish. Its a brilliant idea
And I hope I can lift the visibility a bit too, and making a blog for my followers to read and they can join in too.

This is the original blog :

I want to start with the woman i talk to daily because we run a great discord and I am proud of the work, help and guidance we provide ( with 3 men but this is about WOMEN sorry guess ) 365 days a year , 24/7! And all because we love the platform. We help care.

@thekittygirl : Our wizardry and library of info on all there is on the platform and als responsible for our discord room #questions-and-answers, very important to the members. You are a sweet friend and I appreciate all you do, and together with Ren we have a terminal of friendship for life.

@Xcountytravelers Taking a break but with a blogging hart started the terminal many moons ago.

@justclickindiva my fellow redfishrally staff member, and a lady I can’t miss with the work we are doing on the blogs for the rally. And we have midnight and morning conversations about all, and even now when i am on holiday she is the rally rock together with thekittygirl We also have contest fun, you are very much appreciated.

@jaynie an early bird always brooding on a new thing to boost the powerhouse community or the entire platform of hive. I admire the road you are on in Hive and we will meet some day !

@joanstewart & @barbera-Orenya always great nature blogs and very engaging on the platform.

@melinda010100 you are our contest queen and shadow queen. The latest comment contest is a hit again, and i am so proud that my birds play a part in at least three. The bird wine i bought today will be a blog.

@dswigle our marketfriday lady and engaging champion in the EL, I love the fact you always are chipper even if you have to drive 2000 miles home.

@traciyork for being the hive pudding pusher on hive. Great that the power up movement has a lady at the top

@librepensadora for being the amazing artist you are, and after graduating from the rally found a steady blogging life. I am proud of you and the art is amazing , you know I am a fan.

@seadbeady gewoon omdat ik je een heel fijn persoon vind and i love your blogs. And from Belgium almost a neighbour.

And some ofcourse some of our female ralliers

And all the other females I forgot. I will feature you next time.



For all of you :

Again don’t be offended I love reading all your blogs and this is who I wanted to display today. I will do a new one soon. If you have some gratitude for the women on top of the HIVE, join in the challenge in the blog above.

Please make you own blog about female appreciation and have fun.




imagen de mi amigo artista @doze

Esta mañana junto a la piscina en mis vacaciones en la hermosa Italia leí un blog de uno de nuestros grandes ralliers @jesusalejos. Estaba en el servidor de discordia @votovzla y se enteró de un desafío (
https://peakd.com/hive-186377/@eugelys/challengeaccepted-sororidad-y-empoderamiento-en-un-reto) dirigido especialmente a mujeres, fui etiquetado por Jesús y creo que lo mínimo que puedo hacer es blog sobre las mujeres de HIVE para unirse a la diversión.

En primer lugar, porque creo que tenemos algunas mujeres increíbles y un gran empoderamiento aquí en la plataforma. Han logrado mucho y algunos son realmente los primeros en adaptarse y amigos apreciados hoy en día. Incluso una vez prometí aquí que intentaría reservar un vuelo para 3 de ellos en la vida real. Todavía en mis sueños, pero seguro que va a suceder. Así que creo que estas mujeres. (y sé que voy a olvidar algunos, pero tal vez haga otro blog con los nes que olvidé hoy) De antemano, gracias por todo el trabajo, palabras, historias, blogs, fotografías y participación tanto en el antiguo Steem como en el ahora HIVE. . Es un estilo de vida y un propósito de vida.

En palabras de @jesusalejos de su blog: “Pero esta también es una oportunidad para expresar mi admiración y reconocimiento a todo el género femenino que no solo nos asombra cada día con sus virtudes y potencialidades sino que, por ejemplo, con este desafío nos dan un lección de hermandad, entendiendo esto como el apoyo mutuo que estos grandes guerreros de la vida se brindan ante los diferentes escenarios que la vida nos presenta ”. Aleluya y gracias por notarlo.

Solo agrego, @eugelys es genial que hayas hecho este desafío y siento no haberlo visto antes, pero estaba en español. Es una idea brillante
Y espero poder aumentar un poco la visibilidad también, y hacer un blog para que mis seguidores lo lean y puedan unirse.

Este es el blog original:

Quiero comenzar con la mujer con la que hablo a diario porque corremos una gran discordia y estoy orgullosa del trabajo, la ayuda y la orientación que brindamos (con 3 hombres pero esto se trata de MUJERES lo siento supongo) los 365 días del año, 24/7 ! Y todo porque amamos la plataforma. Ayudamos a cuidar.

@thekittygirl: Nuestra hechicería y biblioteca de información sobre todo lo que hay en la plataforma y como responsable de nuestra sala de discordia # preguntas y respuestas, muy importante para los miembros. Eres una dulce amiga y agradezco todo lo que haces, y junto con Ren tenemos una terminal de amistad de por vida.

@Xcountytravelers Tomando un descanso, pero con un corazón de blogs, la terminal comenzó hace muchas lunas.

@justclickindiva, mi compañero miembro del personal de Redfishrally, y una dama que no puedo dejar de escribir en los blogs de la manifestación. Y nos divertimos en el concurso, se lo agradecemos.

@jaynie es un madrugador que siempre está pensando en algo nuevo para impulsar a la poderosa comunidad o toda la plataforma de Hive. ¡Admiro el camino en el que estás en Hive y nos veremos algún día!

@joanstewart & @ barbera-Orenya siempre son excelentes blogs de naturaleza y muy atractivos en la plataforma.

@ melinda010100 eres nuestra reina del concurso y la reina de las sombras. El último concurso de comentarios es un éxito de nuevo, y estoy muy orgulloso de que mis pájaros participen en al menos tres. El vino para pájaros que compré hoy será un blog.

@dswigle, nuestra señora del viernes del mercado y campeona comprometida en EL, me encanta el hecho de que siempre seas alegre incluso si tienes que conducir 2000 millas a casa.

@traciyork por ser el impulsor de pudín de colmena en Hive.
Genial que el movimiento de encendido tenga una dama en la cima

@librepensadora por ser el artista increíble que eres, y después de graduarse del rally encontró una vida estable en los blogs. Estoy orgulloso de ti y el arte es increíble, sabes que soy un fan.

@seadbeady solo porque creo que eres una persona muy agradable y me encantan tus blogs. Y de Bélgica casi un vecino.

Y algunos, por supuesto, algunas de nuestras ralliers femeninas
@ mariale07

Y olvidé a todas las demás mujeres.
Te presentaré la próxima vez.

Thanks for stopping by, its appreciated and remember focus on being creative instead of being bee-zy.
Consistent Actions Create Consistent Results.
Not everyone is a blogger but everyone has something great to offer.

Lover of Life and L❤️ve in General - @brittandjosie

I am a proud member off the #theTerminal #powerhousecreatives #needleworkmonday and #payitforward and #steemitmamas. Co founder for @theterminal, @heyhaveyamet and @steem-aide

(c) All images and photographs, unless otherwise specified, are created and owned by me. @brittandjosie originals. Sources used : Pixabay and Pexels and with others its mentioned in my blog. I only use a canon camera and my iPhone.

I would like to thank you for reading my blog, feel free to leave me any feedback, if not, read you next time.


Your personal Discord terminal invite : https://discord.gg/XZGPGpz


Blog Date : 14 August Agosto 2020


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 18 of my contest just started...you can now check the winners of the previous week!


Totally deserved recognition, as well as those you mentioned. Some I know most I don't, and there are many more emerging as the platform grows.

Pioneers Of Hive!


Wow, that is such a nice compliment and I can only say it works both ways - I really like you too :)


Great blog shouting out to all the females. It is great getting to know you too, also a strong women. Enjoy the rest of your holiday.


I certainly appreciate the women of Hive, and one of them is you.

One of the things I really like about the blockchain is that it doesn't discriminate. Race, creed, color, sex, sexual preference-none of that matters to the chain. The difference from the other world is sharp in that regard.

Thank you for your post. I don't know that I'll do one in the series, I'm like 27 posts behind now. Doesn't dim my appreciation one iota.


What a beautiful post, thanks for joining this challenge!


What a beautiful post, thanks for joining this challenge!


Thank you so much for the mention @brittandjosie I certainly appreciate your guidance, help, and support each day as I make my way on Hive. You are a source of inspiration to all.

Have a great rest of your week and take care.
