Hive Post Deleted - I No Longer Support This Blockchain


Hive Post Deleted - I No Longer Support This Blockchain


Thanks for covering this and your continued support, plus for being you!
One thing that the COVID drama and also my own personal evolutionary journey has made clear to me is that it's not healthy to shy away from power in society. It's one thing to avoid power struggle and conflicts, which is a good idea - but it's definitely possible to go too far the other way and not step into power on a societal level. The net result of this is that other people take more and more of our power and we end up in a place where there's nothing we can do to live in a sane way.

I think that building real world change that was powered by decentralised social media is a secret sauce to getting what's needed out of projects like Hive. When the underlying philosophy of decentralisation manifests into 'real life' after having been inspired by such projects online, there's a good chance that more people will take notice and come to the online space to check out where it all started.

I think a layer 2 project for 'truth' and even scientific studies as NFTs would be a good idea. I also think that a layer 2 project that focuses on real world change (maybe all part of the same thing) would be great too. When I get more time I will dive more deeply into the 3speak light paper for the SPK network because I am told that their moves are aimed at making all of this easier, fairer and cheaper.

Let's manifest our heart's desires into form without hesitation! :)


p.s. unsurprisingly my post that was at #1 has now received nearly 200 hive worth of downvotes.. maybe that's a record. lol


but you are still hanging in there with 99 :)

so you also have whale backing


Also unsurprisingly, they found this post and gave it a down-vote for 80% of it's pending rewards as well :-P

I love the inherent irony in statists/SJWs/Censors - always proving the worst things thought about them...

"Someone wrote an article about how we're trying to censor people we disagree with by down-voting their content... We better get over there and down-vote it quick!"


lol.. well, i for one feel much safer as a result. :)


The downvoting on Hive is now full on - for being on the side exposing the covid hoax I'm now not only having my posts downvoted to zero, whatever the subject matter, I'm also having my comments downvoted!

I'm stunned that these whales are scrolling through posts looking for comments to downvote - my latest one just got taken down from 22 cents to zero. I am now broken and destitute.

Clearly there are several agendas here - control, soft censorship, and promoting the deep state psyops are three of them.

But I also think there is a move to drive content creators onto level 2 front ends. Hive is a complex beast.

I have moved most of my investments out of Hive over the past few months, and my vote value is now mainly in Proof Of Brain. But I'm also on Pocketnet/Bastyon, which has a lot of promising developments, and am checking out Blurt, which has a really friendly vibe and seems genuinely interested in gaining content creators. Worth checking out both and seeing what you think.


yeah, that sounds more and more like a personal vendetta which is not cool. Have an upvote!


Thank you! I remember reading @ura-soul 's post, which led to a couple offline conversations about Hive and censorship. My points therein were:

  • Hive itself never claimed to be censorship free. Instead it gave (gives!) the up/downvoting ability to its users. If you are an invested user (=whale) you'll have more power (it's actually called that!) to support or oppose ANYTHING that has been posted. This is about as far from censorship as it's from censorship resistance.
  • We gotta stop idealizing things, whether it's a social media platform, a political movement, a religious philosophy, or anything. Everything has its pros and cons for any given circumstance. That's it. Change the premises, and everything changes.
  • Flag wars suck! The same thing goes for wars of any other kind. I personally can't stand it if I walk into a room full of people with the same idea. Even if I happen to agree with them on it, I still dread the thought that the next person walking in might not be of the same opinion (so we all may have to lynch them).

So thank you for summing up my basic point of view in this brief post!


Ahoy! I think most people would disagree regarding the description of Hive as being an uncensored service:

taking the default unalterability into account, no content on
the Hive blockchain may be arbitrarily censored or altered in any way, shape or form.
Hive does not regulate its APIs or provide constraints on the type of endpoints that may be built on it. Individual front-ends and websites may present or not present segments of Hive content as they deem fit. This does not adversely impact the availability of the material stored on the Hive blockchain. With its censorship-resilient design, Hive is a
dedicated proponent of free speech and transparency.

Source: Hive Whitepaper

You are right that the current version of the system enables a form of censorship (mostly by whales). Originally, Steem was managed to try to ensure that whales wouldn't give the network a censored appearance, despite the possibility that it could be. Hive doesn't have that 'gentleman's agreement' in place, so here we are.

Communities need to balance individuality with the collective interest. Since one of the primary motivations for people to use Hive is the decentralised design and censorship resistance, if that is going to be consciously removed by a small number of people then for a large group of us, Hive no longer holds much attraction.

I actually think that what we are seeing here is a reflection of a wider problem in society that plenty of people have come to Hive to try to combat - so it would be great if more people would recognise it's presence on Hive and take action to change the status quo in order to improve things for all in a real way.


Until I saw that post, I didn't even realize there were so many whales downvoting posts that don't fit their bias. It's sad.


important topic to discuss. I believe the main reason for the downvotes on these posts were because of the content (and not per se against the author). The message is: please don't post conspiracy content on Hive (because that might scare off new users; because I personally don't believe in them etc.) Of course that opens up a whole box of what "conspiracies" are etc.

I think the solution currently in mind for dealing with this "officially" is to create an own community. In this way, the community can have their own whales...

I actually think that the "conspiracy" Hivers should start their own community as there are many interested in this topic and content like this is being downvoted (unfairly) by many whales. Who's up for the challenge?

#ParadigmShift Community?


A layer 2 project was well under way for the deep dives community on Hive, yes. It was halted due to personal reasons of a team member, but maybe we can get it going again in the near future.


HIVE is censorship free, being demonetized on a post sucks but it is not "censorship", I have lost 7 YouTube channels during the recent purges and that is censorship, your work gone; all the comments gone, all the interaction gone. Just gone, not "reveal post", gone.

At least when a post on HIVE gets zeroed you can still see the post, it is not memory holed from the internet. Also you can see who the flaggot was, and you can then call them out by name because the votes are all public. On YouTube some trolls can have issue with you, flag every video you make, and you have no idea who is doing it or why the video is down, and by down I mean gone and you get suspended from uploading anything else.

HIVE having the downvote thing can lead to personal vendetta's and people's posts being hidden, but at least it is not YouTube or Facebook, the post is still there. I think HIVE is censorship free but not asshole free, and so far is the best platform at dealing with these issues as best as possible.


at least on facebook and discord you can control who can see your posts


On Hive, the censorship that does exist tends to come in just a few forms - none of which derive at a centralized control point.

the top 18 witnesses can freeze your account and steal your funds if they feel like it
