The elite puts an expiration date on cars


( 09/06/2022 )

The elite puts an expiration date on cars

The globalists celebrated one of their greatest triumphs, the beginning of the end of cars, a few hours ago one of the most important chapters in the history of humanity was written and also one of the darkest.

The europarliament voted the report with the roadmap proposed by the environment commission of the european union and with 339 votes in favor and 249 against the plenary session approved the prohibition of selling combustion cars, that is, traditional cars from 2035, which means not only the end of gasoline-diesel vehicles but also of bio and synthetic fuels.

Definitely the parliament works against the citizen, reuters days ago reported a survey in which 78% of European citizens spoke out against the elimination of traditional vehicles, but if something is clear it is that in brussels where it has its headquarters the european union operates a prototype of world government and not in vain in that city one in three inhabitants work either for politicians or for lobbies, it is the world capital of pressure groups.

What we see today in the European Union with its ban on cars, we will see tomorrow in Mercosur or in the NATO countries or why not directly in the OAS and the rest of the transnational organizations that affect the West and the rest of the planet.

For the vast majority of people, the car they are driving will be the last one because they do not have and will not have the purchasing power to buy an electric car in the near future, since the average cost of an electric car is 50% more expensive than electric cars. high-end traditional cars, that is, the electric cars that are sold right now are 50 percent more expensive than the most expensive conventional cars.

The trend is not that electric cars are getting cheaper, but that electric cars to make matters worse are becoming more expensive and of course they are not going to become more expensive if governments want to force you to buy them at gunpoint or not, if you want a car is going to have to be electric if you can't afford it you stay on foot.


The EU assembly voted in Strasbourg, France to require automakers to cut carbon-dioxide emissions by 100 percent by the middle of the next decade. The mandate would amount to a prohibition on the sale in the 27-nation bloc of new cars powered by gasoline or diesel.

EU lawmakers also endorsed a 55 percent reduction in CO2 from automobiles in 2030 compared with 2021. The move deepens an existing obligation on the car industry to lower CO2 discharges by 37.5 percent on average at the end of the decade compared to last year.



They literally have attempeted my murder and are trying to kill me with V2K and RNM. Five years this has been happening to me, it started here, around people that are still here. Homeland security has done nothing at all, they are not here to protect us. Dont we pay them to stop shit like this? The NSA, CIA, FBI, Police and our Government has done nothing. Just like they did with the Havana Syndrome, nothing. Patriot Act my ass. The American government is completely incompetent. The NSA should be taken over by the military and contained Immediately for investigation. I bet we can get to the sources of V2K and RNM then. .....


It seems to me that we are repeating the same mistake that occurred when the ruling elite killed the electric car a few decades ago.

The elite decide that one form of energy is superior to other forms of energy. They create regulations to standardize the usage of the preferred energy. This creates both an economic and environmental imbalance.

Batteries are extremely toxic and they are resource intensive. Charging batteries is environmentally intensive. We do not yet know the full environmental impact involved in standardizing the world on a single source of energy.


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Exactly!, among many other things that are not known but are happening, for example tesla does not guarantee its batteries, if something happens to it, you lose your car!

It is an increasingly distorted world!!!
