I love you. [ESP | ENG]



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Bienvenidos! || Welcome!

Hola Hivers! Espero que estén bien, quiero compartir un pensamiento que tengo desde ya hace unos días, este post no será como los otros creo que se trata de dejarles un mensaje y que piensen en ello.

Hace pocos días leí la palabra " TE AMO " muy grande en un cartel y luego decía que probablemente estemos pensando en: " Pero tu no me conoces ", es allí donde entra lo que me tenia pensativa y es que si las personas son capaces de odiar sin ninguna razón, entonces por que yo no puedo amar de la misma manera ?

Hello Hivers! I hope you are well, I want to share a thought that I have had for a few days now, this post will not be like the others I think it is about leaving you a message and that you think about it.

A few days ago I read the word "I LOVE YOU" very big on a poster and then I said that we are probably thinking about: "But you don't know me", that's where what I was thinking about comes in and that is that if people are capable of hating without any reason, then why can't I love in the same way?


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Pensemos y profundicemos en esa pequeña reflexión, estamos en un mundo donde se ha normalizado odiar a otra persona por el simple hecho de tener algo que nosotros anhelamos y no podemos tener o por que un amigo nos hablo mal de esa persona sin tomarnos la tarea de conocerla y ver si realmente es una buena o mala persona.

We are in a world where it has become normal to hate another person for the simple fact of having something that we long for and cannot have, or because a friend spoke badly about that person without taking the time to get to know them and see if they are really a good or bad person.


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Creo que es hora de comenzar a cambiar eso queridos lectores, cada vez que sintamos algo negativo examinemos ese sentimiento y hagámonos la pregunta de: Algo esta bien conmigo ? Por que siento esto ? y seamos seres de cambio e impacto para el mundo, amemos a los demás por que TODOS estamos en busca de lo mismo, TODOS luchamos día a día para conseguir lo que queremos, no digo que te dejes manipular por alguien, solo que eliminemos de nuestro corazón toda energía negativa y normalicemos ser personas de amor y buenas vibras.

Este es un pensamiento que tenia en mente y quería dejar salir, espero que poco a poco el mundo cambie para mejor... Te deseo un feliz día! Hasta pronto.

I think it's time to start changing that dear readers, every time we feel something negative let's examine that feeling and ask ourselves the question: Is something wrong with me? Why do I feel this? and let's be beings of change and impact for the world, let's love others because we ALL are looking for the same thing, we ALL struggle day by day to get what we want, I'm not saying that you let yourself be manipulated by someone, just that we eliminate from our heart all negative energy and normalize being people of love and good vibes.

This is a thought that I had in mind and I wanted to let it out, I hope that little by little the world will change for the better.... I wish you a happy day! See you soon.



Hi @sugarelys, That's big positive message provided to the community by you. People must think about it and do the needful for spread love instead hate. Still my childhood I saw many villages where I lived those days, they had kindness, peace and help to others. If someone seek help whole villagers came to one place and did their responsibility one by one. But nowadays we can see only fights against neighbors. That's really bad behavior.

I hope that little by little the world will change for the better.

My hope also same sister. Have a successful day. Stay alive.


Hello dear friend! a pleasure to have you here, I agree with you people should spread messages of love and not hate, especially because we are brothers we must support each other, what a beautiful childhood you lived! I would like those good deals to return to these times, let's hope the world improves for our good and that of our future children. Greetings and hugs!


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La reflexion y la autocritica, siempre sera un factor importante en la vida de cada ser humano, es muy cierto lo que dices actualmente se le esta dando mas peso al proyectar tales sentimientos negativos como la ira, la molestia, el desagrado, la envidia y el mas fuerte y peor el odio, que la bondad se deja de lado o se finge sobre esta. Muy real tu postura.


Holaa! Mmm he notado que normalizan esos comportamientos por medio de la " libertad de expresión " pero realmente abusan de eso, hiriendo a los demás, es triste lo que sucede, se que no todos van a cambiar pero si pueden poner de su parte, es un tema extenso jajaja lo único que podemos hacer desde este punto de vista es mantener la buena vibra y mente positiva, gracias por comentar!
