We can break free through vision


The Bible records in Proverbs 29:18 KJV that

Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.

It's no longer a news to Christians that Satan's strategy with which to keep people perpetually bound and stagnated is to negatively affect their ability to conceive any kind of vision.

The fact remains that vision is an inevitable part of our success story in life. Even the devil knows this. That's why he fight many Christian in the spiritual realm since he knows that no one receives anything physically without first conceiving it in the spirit through revelation. This is one of the reasons why people seek all other ways to break failure patterns other than embrace the path of teachings that could challenge and open up their minds and spirit.

It doesn't matter how many hands are laid on you in your church nor how many men of God have prayed for your breakthrough. The fact remains if you don't come to the understanding of the vision and revelation of God for your future, then you would die in on one spot. You mustn't stay in that place any longer.

The Bible says in Jeremiah that God has plans for your future, His plan is to give us an expected end. However we must first see it i.e we should have a perception of what we need from God then we come to terms with it.

This can only be realizable if we submit ourselves, our minds to God's authority. We need to have the renewing of the mind according to Romans 12:2. It is only then you will come to terms with God's will for your life.

Things To Do

You need to read relevant books on vision or success.
Seek to be mentored by a person whose successful in the field of endeavor.
Learn from the them to understand their success story.

I am peej and I am really glad to be a member of this family.
